
You’re such a sheeple (sheeperson? Possibly an actual sheep that gained sentient abilities and also grew hoove-fingers?)

forcibally airdrop

Psh, taking care of citizens is some libtart communist Benghazi bullshit. SAD! Losers! Will not MIGA!

Syria maintained its single payer system through a civil war but it’s too hard people.

My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are

You’re no engineer!

We are a breed that strives to understand everything and rub it in others faces.... Especially acoustical engineers (ps, fuck those guys)

I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.

pssst! PA has a Constitution too...

“Who cares what the PA Supreme Court has to say about “constitutionality”?”

The PA Supreme Court has the final say on matters of the PA Constitution. Not even the US Supremes are supposed to be able to overrule them on purely state constitution matters.

Damn. They really are the Bank of America.

Oh, this boob is so stupid and vain, I’ll bet we can give him some fake French Foreign Legion medals and he will sell Louisiana back to us for $20.

Yes, every defendant, even Nasser have a right to a lawyer, but man is Shannon Smith tough to like. She’s actually proud of being a sex offender lawyer. An excerpt from her web site advertising her services:

Cotton is pretty soft, eh?


It’s more than just a war on CHRISTmas, it’s a war on America’s core values and the traditions that have made me prosperous and wealthy. Through my love for my family, love for this great nation, and love for law and order, I have succeeded where those in sanctuary cities have failed. Private prisons are the only way

Anyone who thinks religion is a reason to deny care has no fucking business being in healthcare and should find another line of work.