
The same thing happens when I go to pay for my food with Disney Dollars.

This is what doctorate level gerrymandering looks like kids.

Gosh, it’s amazing how many of these republican cuck snowflakes need a safe space when even remotely challenged.

Maybe this can set some judicial precedent in straightening out my Goofy kicking Pluto congressional district.

My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.

To Whom It May Concern:

One of the many reasons I hate HOA’s.

Guy offers a place to sleep to people who might otherwise freeze to death when the local homeless shelter is full, and the city is threatening to evict him from his own home.... and you think this is “sound and reasonable?”

Remember folks.

You think homeless people care about housing regulations when they are freezing on sidewalks? I’d say you’re getting worked up about the wrong thing here, buddy.

My parents use the same dry cleaner in the LV as him (or did). He’s rude to other customers and of course tostaff. My father - not an aggressive guy, but also not a small dude at 6'2 and ~200 - makes it a point of making ol’ Pat have to move around him whenever their paths cross.

Nice history lesson.

When I read the part about feeding chili and corn muffins to the officers and agents, I felt blissful. I enjoy reading things that relate to compassion, I think it seems to be overlooked in our social interactions. I don’t agree with the little bit that I know about Pence, I feel pity when I think about him, and I

Voters aren’t outraged by Toomey...

So, I actually grew up going to the same church (an incredibly conservative fucked-up church) that Toomey went to when he was in the area. My dad knows him a little bit. I’ve experienced him a few times as a grown-up. He is not quiet or polite. He’s a giant piece of shit with a massive ego who has carefully

You should stop being such a judgy asshole, mostly because God told me that Moorlestor got the most votes because White Jesus. Pedophile McKiddlefondles definitely won, it’s just because Benghazi EMAILS and libtart abortions and aliens AND THE FUCKING ILLUMINATI AND CHEMTRAILS.....

A guy who runs for a government job and can’t speak even two sentences without invoking imaginary deities - go fuck yourself, okay?

Recall the American Uranium that Hillary personally shipped to the atom bomb factories in Siberia for sale to the Norks. She waved the credentials at the Canadian border to get through before driving to the Alaskan drop-off point where you can see Russia in exchange for their complicity in killing an American diplomat

So that’s how you make scrambled Keonigseggs.

This may seem like a pet peeve, but it is important as it relates to reporting on these tax cuts. Yes, the corporate rate drops form 35% to 21%, or a difference of 14. However, from a tax standpoint, the companies are actually getting a 40% reduction in taxes: (35% - 21%) / 35% = 40%.

This makes the whole idea of