Swoon. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Liam.
Swoon. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Liam.
How incredibly thoughtful. I don’t know if I could do that. I would probably be wallowing in my own pain. Good for them.
True story. Ms. Swindell went to the Olympics in Salt Lake to protest the athletes receiving free condoms.
I am a six foot tall woman, and working in the kitchen has always made my back hurt from so much bending over.
I do not want this asshat to “cherish” me. I don’t want him anywhere near me. Or my uterus. Or my government.
This absolutely infuriates me. I sat through hours of hearings on so-called women’s “right to know” legislation, where lawmakers were told that only if women knew they were pregnant, they wouldn’t abort. If only they knew that there was a little tiny person growing inside them, they would not kill it. If only they…
Fighting for their right to lie.
It’s Idaho. They probably recruited him.
Stale, pale, male. So predictable.
Serious question. (I don’t understand the fascination with every detail of these peoples’s lives).
I like the horse. That’s all I got.
The wedding/industrial complex that we’ve been warned about, is now upon us.
And shoes that women can’t walk in!
Fellow UW law alum?
As a native Wyomingite, I can say that there are lots of places in Wyoming that are scenically spectacular. I got married in a old lodge in the Snowy Range. Marriage didn’t last, but I sure miss the mountains.
OK. I admit I hate him and want to lose him.
Sedatives. Should be mandatory for everyone in coach.
Gee, military school is just like serving. But without the war.