Yarmulkes as pasties?
Yarmulkes as pasties?
Can the Hunger Games be far behind?
I just had a transvaginal ultrasound. I can assure everyone, it was not a “cool” experience.
But, but, but, but ...... it’s their God given right to lie. Forcing them to tell the truth is violating their religious rights.
Great. Child molestation is now a competitive sport on TLC? Is there going to be a contest to see who can molest more children, or who can get away with it the longest?
I have to admit that I don’t give a rat’s ass about Blake Lively or Rita Ora. Who are they, and what have they done?
I was hoping that Theon would break, and kill Ramsey. I’m still hoping.
Common conditions of parole are that you not violate any laws, abstain from alcohol and stay out of bars. Court can impose other conditions as circumstances warrant.
It is legal because state legislatures draft laws that allow it. Another reason to vote.
They get tax dollars, and in some states they get funds from specialty license plates.
I sat through hearings on so-called “informed consent” legislation that requires doctors to tell women specific “facts” about abortion and show them pictures of fetuses at various stages of development. The “pro life” groups pushing the bill kept stressing that women deserved information before making abortion…
They like the idea of Jews.
She appears to be on an airplane. Perhaps “high” means altitude.
No. I didn’t have insurance at the time. Sorry, I can’t help.
My experience was very different. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I knew what I needed to do. I did not anguish. It was not emotional. I didn’t need to think about it. I just needed an abortion, as soon as possible.
Hey Crazy Ass Lady,
Before the 2008 election, Siegel sent a letter to his employees stating that if Obama won, he would have to lay them off. These were mostly low wage workers.
Meh. Just too many problems. Is she really an “agent” of God? What court has jurisdiction over “all” homosexuals, and is this a civil suit? If so, how does she calculate her damages? Bigger problem is deposing all homosexuals. I’m sure they have a lot to say, and depositions aren’t cheap.
This story seems to be missing probable cause. There’s got to be more, or this is not surviving a preliminary.
When I picture the guy, I see white, fleshy, bald, with hair growing out of his ears.