
I'd buy you a drink, or several, if I could. You're more tolerant than I.

My first thought was, well at least they were honest and you didn't have to spend the evening sending a message that they were unwilling to receive. But then I thought about it and got a bit pissed off that these assholes thought that the only conclusion to a first date was sex.

I don't know New York, but I'm sure her "protest" was in an upscale, safe neighborhood.

I didn't even know that chair fucking was a thing. Now I know. I wish I didn't.

I've don't wear underwires when I fly. I got pulled aside and groped every time. I thought it was just me.

I'll take him over Justin Timberlake any day.

I fear for my country when the way to get rich is apparently growing a disgusting beard, not bathing, and displaying your ignorance on national tv.


That made me laugh out loud on an otherwise completely shitty Monday. Thanks.

I hate weddings. Just had to say that.

My lipstick doesn't vibrate. Where can I get some that does?

Misread that the first time, and saw "vice presidential prick."

The next logical step would be to require women to remain flat on their backs, knees in the air, for 72 hours following intercourse. Anything that might interfere with conception is murder, I say, murder!

Basement of the Louvre. At least there was a year ago.

I know my body. It's fertile, and it likes sex. It also does not like children.

I've been happily married for over twenty years. We chose not to have children. I guess that makes us both useless sluts that don't fully appreciate marriage.

I'll respect the legislative process as soon as legislators respect me.


Wait. I'm confused.

People do have dietary restrictions for religious, or ethical reasons. Those are no problem if the host is notified in advance.