But, but, but, but
But, but, but, but
Not if the local hospital is religiously affiliated.
I claim the right to determine who lives in my uterus. It's called bodily autonomy, which is a fundamental human right.
I am a labor lawyer, in a small firm. I work 40 hours a week and wear birkenstocks to work. Our idea of "networking" is carrying signs to protest rallies at the capitol.
But that's not going to happen. As an attorney who does wage and hour claims, the only way we can afford to do them is as a class action. The amounts are too small to bring cases individually and it would be economic suicide to try to litigate hundreds, or even dozens, of claims separately.
Between five years of serious ballet and about ten years of being a prosecuting attorney, my feet are meat.
Weiner finally pulled out.
Does that mean that they don't play on Sunday?
I believe the same can be said about Paris Hilton. Sad, pathetic and not huge. She's actually quite unremarkable.
Men already have the power to walk away from a pregnancy. They have no duty to stick around and comfort the woman they have impregnanted, make sure she has food, shelter or medical care or to raise the child once it's born.
Thank you Mr. Weiner for giving Mr. Breitbart a platform to stand upon and say, "See, I told you so."
Piper, honey.
If, as they say, life begins at conception, then what happens when conception occurs in vitro?
That book will be on my reading list. Right next to Sarah Palin's latest drivel.
"Everything bad that could happen to a person has happened to me."
But, but, but ....
The Uninteresting. The Unimaginative. The Unbelievable. The Untenable. The Unintelligible.
But I don't suppose it will be criminal for a man to wave $20 bills at a woman on the street and request oral sex?
Most of my bills are on autopay. If I get raptured, you can move into my house and watch TV until the bank account runs dry.