@mommy_dearest: I had to read that twice to get what a Tacoman was. I understand your friend's confusion. #foodracism
@mommy_dearest: I had to read that twice to get what a Tacoman was. I understand your friend's confusion. #foodracism
@BeckySharper: Ooooh! A pee with a purpose. I'm in. #gorevidal
@mistersathingtonfroggleby: Nothing would make me single or separated faster than whelping out a young 'un. My husband and I decided twenty years ago that kids were not part of the plan. A baby in our lives now would be disastrous, and a sure bet to end the marriage on a sour note. #children
@coreybear66: I don't like kids. I don't want kids. I don't have kids. Therefore, I am unhappy.
@JinxyMcDeath: Question: Does your firm pay for staff's cell phones? If they are really a business necessity, then the firm ought to cover the cost. #cellphonerefuseniks
When I was in law school, we often joked about our miserable lives and determined that it was possible to become a "common law virgin" if one had not engaged in sex during the preceeding twelve months. It was possible to develop a "constructive" hymen if you exceeded the twelve months.
@Flackette Goes Retro: I spent ten years paying off student loans. I had no savings and really scraped by. I had no money at the end of the month and I did most of my shopping at thrift stores. And I was lucky because I had a fairly well paying job as a prosecuting attorney.
@freckles: Righteous rant! #prostitution
@thoughtthinker: You articulated my thoughts exactly.
It's easy for me to bocot RL. I never buy the stuff anyway, although I did get my nephew a Polo blanket for a wedding gift last month.
@MagicEyes: Correspondence law school. No kidding. Taft University in California.
When are my Marlboro Lights going to come in a pink package?
@shak_diesel: I agree. Picking a sexist asshole as a judge just makes the whole pageant more transparent, and ultimately irrelevant.
I don't wear heels because I'm six foot flat footed. I used to wear them when I was younger, but not anymore. They make my feet hurt. Plain and simple.
Seems to be the next logical step in building the wedding industrial complex. Make the expensive attire truly consumable, and suitable for one wearing only. Sell those overpriced dresses! Destroy them afterwards! Feed the industry. Feed the industry.
Would she prefer that they missed the bus?
@PilgrimSoul: Arctic. I want an uninhabited island in the Pacific.
@LaComtesse: "Why arrest him? The warrant is on really old paper and was probably typed on a typewriter. We've advanced beyond that."
What's inside?
I use contraception, and I don't feel that my husband "uses" me. God forbid that a mature, consenting couple takes action to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. I fail to see how I'm being "used."