Sean Cooper

“Begging to get his balls demolished” is precisely his lewk.

Destroying Ted Cruz is a great start to the week.

Watching him question Yates is like watching Elmer Fudd walk into his own rabbit trap.

Well, that backfired hard.

Well, Andrew Jackson was sorely disappointed when Lincoln started the Civil War...

I saw it and was like “This fucking idiot really thinks he is going to trip up a former attorney general?!” His ego is huge, his brain tiny.

I think that Paul Ryan rolls up his sleeves specifically to appear “nerdy” and “wonky”. It’s theatre. He’s a terrible person who fucks over marginalized people, lies about it on TV, then reminds you how devoutly religious he is.

The fact that he asks every question like a smug, condescending fuck only makes the smackdowns so much sweeter. You know he thinks he looks authoritative and intimidating, when in reality he’s making himself look like a guy who’s just begging to get his balls demolished

Ummmm....and he failed at that.

He did not meet his goal. He looked foolish and uninformed except to those who have selective deafness when women speak.

She made Ted Cruz look like a total fool. (Of course Cruz often does that all on his own, so.) Run for president, Sally Yates! I’d vote for you!

I had heard all that about him before the election, but an ignorant orange shitgibbon made mincemeat out of him in the primaries, insulted his wife pretty much to his face, and made him his bitch, debate skills and lawyerly chops notwithstanding. There’s a lot less to him than meets the eye.

Word. The most important thing you can do is to know your weaknesses. No matter how smart you are, there is someone who knows more about something than you do. When you’re goal is to show someone that you are smarter than they are, you will end up looking like a fool and an asshole.

Harvard law teaches properly who wants to learn and then there are others who rides on the backs of their parents to get in but not work for anything other than a piece of paper that said they went there and got through it, doesnt state for how well they learned through parents contributions.

Believe it or not, it’s also beginning to seem that Donald is not such a great negotiator. Who would have guessed....

Ted Cruz has failed upward in the grand tradition of Woodrow Wilson: he is so loathed by his colleagues at every level that they encourage his ambitions to get him away from them.

Please proceed, governor.

Smart people are smart enough to know when they’re in over their head and should remain quiet.

Is it possible that Ted Cruz is not a great constitutional scholar or master debater...?

Boy, first we find out Paul Ryan isn’t a policy expert and now this. My faith in the party of Lincoln is starting to waver, guys...