
“Tradgety + thyme = cometty”

Harmlessly passing someone in a no passing zone isn’t being an “asshole” . Trying to murder two people is.

That sucks for Everton. If there is one guy who is always ready to challenge the Reds it’s McCarthy.

this looks familiar...

Maybe he’s just sitting there at that light because DeMatha grad Adrian Dantley won’t let Big John cross the street.

Never forget that Paul Ryan and his family survived for many years on Social Security benefits after his father unexpectedly passed away.

To be fair, insurance would be really cheap if it wasn’t for all the sick people.

Ryan: Car insurance: People who are driving without accidents are paying premiums for people who make money by totaling their cars. That’s wrong!

Fuck. Now I’m mad at myself for not calling my dad Mr. Plow. I’m sure my mom agrees.

Hell, even when he WAS doing the negotiating himself it’s not like he was good at it. This gormless chucklefuck went bankrupt trying to sell gambling, steak, and football to America. He’s been coasting his entire life on the money he was gifted by his father and then lying about his net worth.

Precisely! Paul Ryan is a “wonk” in the sense that most undergraduate students are “wonks.” (I include the 18-22 year old version of myself in this group). They have ideologies on how the world should work but never get into actually playing out how those ideologies may be functionally enacted and the consequences of

In addition, his idea of “negotiating” involves hiring contractors and then stiffing them on the bill. He’s got leverage, you see—the contractor’s done part/all of the work, but Donny’s still got the money. That’s negotiationing!

Wang, a Georgetown alum,

And on Fox News:

sober policy knower Paul Ryan

“The pasghetti noodle is in my brain!”

I don’t know what this ALS hokum is, but I can tell you for certain that, in a cruel twist of fate, Lou Gehrig succumbed to Lou Gehrig’s disease, not ALS. 

Named her kid “Christian,” believes in reincarnation when profitable.

A toddler might say to you, “Vroom vroom, I am a truck!”