
performative horseshit


So take UNC and NC State and form your own league. You can even call it the HB2.

The most surprising thing about this list is that six of them were good picks. I would never have guessed the number was that high.

Liverpool and City already have more points, less matches to play,

*gestures at chart*

I was gonna say. We can talk about unprovoked attacks all day.

“Yet another sign of the political and moral failures of the liberal millennial generation.”

Dejan Lovren was gonna get his apology one way or another.

All people named Ross automatically deserve to be punched.

Well, sometimes you can’t separate the nuts from the Toffee.

No kidding. I was always told there were only 4 horsemen who would usher in the apocalypse...

Yes, and Leicester. There was only so much weirdness that one sentence could take.

Well, now we’ve had GS blow a 3-1 lead, Cubs win the WS, Trump lose the popular vote, Falcons steal defeat from the jaws of victory and finally, a Sergio Garcia major win.

Amazing. The NFL league office now employs nearly 2000 people, and its like the left arm doesn’t know what the right arm is doing....

Remember when your friend would come over and beat your ass at your own video games?

This comment suggests that since you aren’t a millionaire, you are familiar with reaching a level of annoyance that you must “beat her ass.”

He might beat up women but I’ll take him over not standing for the National Anthem.

I suppose looking for the orange blobs is becoming second nature to our nations camera people.

Those aren’t cheeseballs, that’s his boss!