
I, for one, am extremely psyched that Claudio Ranieri gets some time to drink wine and blast some sweet opera tunes while the Foxes get fucking relegated.

More fake news from Deadspin. Sad!

The only time I support people staying inside their own wheelhouse is when their opinion on something is so uniformly uninformed that everyone who hears it is immediately a little bit dumber for having heard it. This is not one of those cases. The travel ban affects him personally, and he said it concerns him. That’s

When the rich rig the government to give them tax breaks, then take advantage of the tax breaks, and then bitch about the government not giving them enough tax breaks, sane people are not going to “get over it”.

“I gotta tell you, I cannot name, or even count, the number of Texans who told me that were not watching the NFL — they were protesting the NFL this year”

The starters are on the floor.

Well that’s just science; hunchbacks have lower centers of gravity.

Gianni and Lil Sal in Ronkonkoma want to know why he wasn’t tased like they were for fighting in the MetLife parking lot before the Jets/Bills game.

“That’s some bullshit” was exactly my reaction when I learned that Kyle O’Quinn wasn’t a redheaded white guy.

S.T.A.B. - Smile To make it All Better

This guy sounds like he’s uttered the phrase “but it’s not a pyramid scheme” to all of his friends multiple times.

The pitcher who has his ankles taped together in the 12th inning, stupid.

You’re a Philly fan and you have the audacity to talk about Boston being a racist town full of bad fans? Philadelphia has the worst sports fan base in the country and all of your teams suck hopelessly. Philly was home to one of the pound for pound greatest boxers in history in Joe Louis. He was also a civil rights

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

I imagine the relationship between Gronk and Belichick is similar to that of Forrest Gump and Bear Bryant.


Glad to have you back, Coach K

Now playing

At least Barkley isn’t spreading diabetes across the country

And a PhD.

When did this happen? Now I can’t stop seeing Uncle Shaq...