
He decries the oblique order too.

You know that plan of attack will be based on some solid fundamentals.

Dang pop looks like the crazy uncle who thinks chem trails are real, but he talks like a friendly grandpa.

I can still shout “FOLLOW ME TO FREEDOM!” in a group of my friends and it has a 100% chance of getting a laugh. These commercials might be to us what Caddyshack/Animal House were to our parents.


Now playing

You are completely incorrect. This is the best SC ad ever, and I don’t care if it dates me

Aww, your reply got truncated. The full text is: As an asshole, who is better than you, yes I would like fries with that. And I hope Rosen is healthy this year so there are no excuses when you go sub .500 again.

You could have just said, “As an asshole . . .”

To this comment i say, Hello - I love you

Amen, brother. Now it’s all ‘Your pipe’s not ready because you’re dying of congestive heart failure.’ or ‘The roast isn’t done because you got fired for drinking on the job.’ That’s what we get for putting a damn Catholic in office.

Funny how things work out. Seven minutes ago I had no idea Sage Steele existed, and now I hate her.

I hear ya. So did I tell you about how I’m getting ready for a marathon by switching to a vegan diet?

The Lebatard Show is consitently the smartest, dumbest, most entertaining show on radio

i was gonna go and work out, but then i got high


Lowry with a seasoned take.

Stick to b-ball, hippie. You don’t even play in America, trader.

He then said he was moving to Canada.