
I think this is the only time I’ve been able to watch Japanese women get abused and humiliated without having to clear my internet history.

I saw a near identical goal in the Premier League this last year so, well, it happens at the highest levels.

France would be up 5-0.

Japan should be forced to play the rest of the game in Buffalo Bills jerseys.

My joke must’ve wooshed. Like what the Japan goaltender’s felt over her head a few times already.


Yeah. This write up seems intentionally provocative/contraversial and baity.

Make sure not to use Twitter, too. Or Facebook. Asshole by association.

This cracks me up how much this website hates Reddit, considering that it gets about 50% of its stories from Reddit about 8 hours after Reddit posts them. Are there horrible subreddits there? Yes. It is easy to stay away from them. You have to actively seek them out. It’s not like upskirt photos make it to the front

100% agree, would be like someone calling twitter users ‘fascist manbabies’ because Gamergate is a thing on there.

There is no “they”. Reddit users are not a monolith. r/twoxchromosomes has 3+ million subscribers. I’m not going to go through and list all the other dozens of women/feminist focused enormous subreddits. The entire point of reddit is that whatever you are into is available there. If you are a feminist, it’s available.

Comments like this irritate me. Reddit’s has 3.3 million commenters and has feminist/social justice subreddits which shit on this comment section. It has awful racist, fascist subreddits and it has amazing ones.

Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like

Reddit, a popular site for creepers and fans of upskirt shots and Gawker Media bloggers in need of content.

It could also be that their parents are religious fundamentalists.

Someone should have warned him the British were coming.

STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR FOOD you’re supposed to just eat it in silence. Make sure to thank someone when you are done eating.

Hey look guys, it’s a Cardinals fan

I’ve been smoking briskets for years now, and they always are the conversation piece of all my cookouts/parties. I’ve got two ready to smoke for my party tomorrow. And please, don’t cover it in sauce. There’s no need.