
Best mission in that whole game, if not the entire series.


Because shut up, Kyle.

First time I made Kool-Aid, I thought the little pack was for ONE glass, no sugar. It blew my entire face off. My confusion only grew when my older sister took the remaining liquid and poured it into a pitcher, adding a gang of sugar.

Hello, attorney here chiming in again. You are correct Nathan, if you do not throw in everything in you can - if you do not you are later procluded from bringing it up under a legal theory of “Res Gestae.” The ysstem was created that way in order to prevent someone from suing another party for a particaular matter and

As someone who used to play for over ten years - Just jump in, start mining, start shootin’, whatever floats your boat. It takes a bit of time to get up to basic speed on things, so you may as well just jump in and learn while you start off. You will have plenty of time to watch videos/read guides as you start off

Couple that with the fact that losing assets in the game directly equates to actual, real losses, yeah.  Eve is the most intimidating game of all time.

To sum up: Sorry, not Sorry

You should calm down. It’s just a show, dude.

The Browns are going to be stacked this year. 

Melt Man! With the power to... melt.

It bums me out that you are out there somewhere, genuinely convinced you made a good point.

I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time

Deulofeu is Footy Dion Waiters, basically

Counter-Counterpoint: It looks awful.

Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

Fat and alone from eating all of my Good n’ Plenty... /sigh

I was feeling snarky and being an asshole this morning. “You’re dumb for liking this popular thing” is a genuine worldview for some of the worse crowd here, and I was on edge. Still, that’s no excuse and I apologize.