
OK, I believe them.

I mean honestly, so long as they don’t nerf Rotten Breath, then he’ll always have an easy mode anyway.

sources claim it tastes the same as a regular arrow, but is entirely plant based.

Kotaku: reports on glitches in games like they’re uncovering Watergate

Jesus, I just wanted to share an amusing observation, I’m sorry for not respecting the deep lore of Toy Story.

It’s Chris Evans.

Huh. That’s weird. I own all the DLC, and never play any of it because 95% of servers have been running vanilla maps only for years now.

Die Rise is my personal favourite, by Kino is definitely high on my list, too.

It’s so hard to pick a favorite, but Kino is definitely one of my most played and beloved maps. I also love Ascension and Der Riese. Simple but absolute classics.

I mean you’re right, but at the end of the day I don’t think anyone clicked on the article to learn about the incident, they clicked to see why/how the Mormon Church profited on it.

I am sure you could go onto any article on the internet, regardless of the topic, and come up with a better sentence/format in some

Sure, but the point isn’t that it was summing it up, it was summing it up incorrectly. Something like this:

I mean, you’re not wrong, but the point was to take, what took you 4 paragraphs to explain, and sum it up in one or two sentences.

The homogenization of profit, where creativity goes to die. 

Are you even old enough to know what happened in the 80s when Reagan was President? I lived them, it wasn’t so bad, however it wasn’t great either, but it was better than the Jimmy Carter days. Also as much as I dislike Activision/Blizzard I do not believe they went political about the game, unlike you in this

Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.

I’ve never been a Rage Against the Machine fan, but my understanding of their lyrics is that they’re basically, “We have very strong opinions about politics/And here’s a PowerPoint laying them out/In very great detail.”

That one killed me, too. 

Wrong kid died!

Ok, Boomer.

But seriously - anyone who says they put themselves through college by working is either full of shit, or old. Period.

You simply cannot pay for even the average annual cost of a public university on the wages that a recent high school graduate would make. Even if you lucked out and managed to work 40

If you haven’t noticed, she hates just about everything for particularly no reason except to complain.