
That Batmobile is stealing the show. (Please have this Batman not kill please have this Batman not kill)

Disappointing to learn “Beat Bobby Flay” was a cooking a competition and not people beating Bobby with wiffle ball bats.

Not supernatural, but scary (and true) as fuck. This has been on my mind after the stories of that young woman killed by someone who worked at her apartment complex.

On paper I should love Far Cry - choose-your-approach shooters with an uncommon focus on its villains. But it is, without a doubt, the most exhausting series I have ever played. It just constantly gets in its own way.

I posted this last year hours before the deadline. Doubt many people saw it so I thought I’d post again. Hope that’s cool.

It keeps being said, but LOKI never established this. Loki established that the Infinity Stones don’t work in the TVA. They specifically don’t work in that one place. That’s all that was ever said in the show. Nothing else implies that also don’t work in other dimensions outside of the TVA.

What really angers people is not the lack of political commentary but rather the cynical way in which these games appropriate clearly political imagery and then say “This is not political” as a means of getting as many people paying for it as possible. I mean, let’s look at the most recent examples:

Have you played a Far Cry game? I haven’t played the whole series, but I played the last two and both of them were trying to make political statements. They just weren’t doing a very good job at it.

I don’t know how you can look at Far Cry 5 and 6's main storylines as anything but poor attempts at trenchant political statements.

I know nothing about the source material (I infer it’s some kind of video game? Also steampunk?), but the style of this animation is very impressive. I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like it before. Have they invented some new technique for combining traditional animation with CGI?

Now playing

I’m still amazed they’ve gone for this style for a WHOLE ANIMATION SERIES.

I hope no one knows who I am through my kinja account. The last thing my constituents need is more ammunition against their Prime Minister. 

Only fucking idiots remember W. fondly. He was and always will be a war criminal.

I can and will call Bush a worse president than Trump. A million people dead from unnecesary wars is far worse than anything Trump ever did. Even if you blame Trump for literally all of the covid deaths. He may have been more embarrassing, but at the end of the day, he didn’t do anything that any other Republican

Breyer fucking sucks. How can anyone look at what happened with Ruth Bader-Ginsburg, i.e. getting replaced by her polar opposite with the likely outcome that many, if not most, of the advances she contributed to in her career will be reversed, and think “Yeah, makes sense to hold on”?  It’s the height of selfishness. 

Azaria’s character, the Blue Raja, is an American pretending to be British but he’s dressed as if he is Indian. If this sounds problematic, that’s because it is.

At least give William H. Macy kudos for delivering this line absolutely deadpan serious:

I’m kind of expecting some large revamps in some places, but I think I’d still prefer the combat stay mostly the same, but I guess look a little flashier. Fidelity to the original is something I think most fans want, but I can see the dual-wielding lightsaber attack animations looping in my head and it feels a bit

glass of water take to think rise of skywalker is somehow worse than attack of the clones lol

We bash the prequels because the prequels were bad.