
But that stuff was mentioned after the fact, it didn’t happen “on-screen” as it were.

Face it, in America, you’re just not allowed to criticize Israel for any reason. Gotta love the McCarthyism.

It makes the whole Romeo & Juliet comment  that much more appalling 

I saw the story earlier somewhere else and it omitted the fact that she died by suicide at 20. Everything about this story is nightmarish.

So this guy raped a minor and is being supported by the group that thinks the democratic party is run by secret pedophiles that must be stopped?

When I was 13, I had a 17 year old guy pursuing me. It never went beyond 2nd base, but the pressure to fuck was there constantly.

The father was a forensic accountant who gave evidence to the D.A. who was the first victim.

Everyone was mad at her for calling out the catholic church and then it turned out she was right. Don’t think any other problems she has negates that in the slightest

You’re making a lot of assumptions and arguing against a lot of things I didn’t say. I didn’t say Israel was “worse in that regard.” But I’m not sure what your argument about what “half of the Palestinians” would do is supposed to be about. Palestinians don’t have a state. They can’t ethnically cleanse anyone. Israel

That said, Hamas’s stated goal is a full Palestinian state. They don’t want a 2 state solution and they don’t want to live in shared state with the Jewish people I disagree with many of Isreal’s actions, but Hamas is not a organization dedicated to public good.

It’s literally keeping Bibi out of jail.

Yeah, I think he’s doing a really good job given all the hurdles against him.  I completely get what you mean...

I knew the critics would have their knives out when I read one review this morning that actually complained of the nerve of Netflix not releasing *any* screener episodes, forcing the poor guy to have to get up early and watch all 8 episodes before his (terrible) review. I know Netflix has done that before, but it

Don’t necessarily take just my word for it, give the first run a chance, that’s just my opinion.

The team makes the decision to split up, leaving Nate (Nick Zano) and Zari (Tala Ashe) to work together to stop a nuclear disaster alongside JFK while Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) tries to leverage his newfound friendship to stop Castro from starting a war.

Coming to Mass Effect from KotOR, it was exactly what I was looking for. Looking back, the menus are clunky, inventory maintenance sucked, and commanding the companions in combat wasn’t great, but I knew exactly what I was getting when I saw that Bioware logo on the box.

Its always fun for me as a pure RPG fan to see comments like this. I love Mass Effect 2 but pushing it away from pure RPG to the shooter/RPG hybrid it became I always disliked. I’d love for a Mass Effect spin-off to return to its more pure RPG roots, especially as studios like Liarian are repopularizing the genre

I think Bioware did an infographic a few years ago. Notwithstanding this comment section, they found that based on game data from ME3 (not data self-reported by players), Kaidan had the lowest survival and popularity rate of all the possible squadmates. He was at less than 2%, compared to Ashley’s 5-6%. Based on that,

Cathy Young is the real-life Rita Skeeter

What kind of life experiences does a woman have to have in order to turn into the kind of person who says "oh yea, every one of those women are just making it all up"?