
Are they really playing the same characters or just reinterpretations of their characters like J Jonah Jameson in Far From Home? Molina is nearly seventy at this point he can’t really play the guy who died in his 50s can he?

Star Wars has always had replacement mechanical body parts but Fennec Shand is the first I’ve seen to have mechanical organs or something that somehow Boba Fett knew how to transplant

Of course, but there was no reason for them to use that phrase. They weren’t evangelical, Mormon, etc or overtly conservative to justify it, its like the writers forgot to add any reason for Harper to be closeted and threw in that dialogue at the last minute

There was a really awkward bit of dialogue where Harper’s parents talk about Aubrey Plaza’s “Lifestyle choice”, but besides that there’s no hint that her parents could be overtly homophobic which really didn’t do Harper’s character any favors

This episode would have been PERFECT if Michael Biehn had decided to just leave rather than stupidly try to shoot the guy in Beskar armor with a pistol. 

Didn’t somebody do the math and figure out Yoda would have been like middle-aged when he died? The extended infancy thing is really not the best part of the new lore

Kinda feel like they should’ve cast an ‘Alec Guiness’ rather than Katee’s Ewan McGregor, but who can say no to Katee Sackoff in more things??

The finale was basically a remake of the scene from KOTOR, but with a better Krayt Dragon design. Loved it!

Yeah lets blame the Leftists rather than the octogenarian who chose to stick around after her second cancer diagnosis rather than retire when the Dems had both the Presidency and Senate.

Loved it as a kid and even now I still enjoy it. The effort they put in to turn three movies into one and still make it semi coherent was admirable and I still get a laugh at some of the jokes( like the truck driver narrowly avoiding giant Agumon while sleeping)

I get the shtick, but can you offer anything substantive? Like how is it more constructive blaming non-voters than the octogenarian woman with cancer who didn’t retire when Obama had the Senate?


How about the Democrats run more Progressive candidates? Like more Charles Bookers and LESS Amy McGrath’s so we might have the chance of unseating ghouls like McConnell

Yeah, blame all of those disaffected voters that joined the half of ALL Americans that don’t vote, rather than the party that has done fuck all to stop this nonsense or even offer up a token resistance to Trump and the Republican Senate.

I want them finished so the series can come out from under the show’s shadow, and now that the show ended with such a thud its the right time to do it.

When did Cannon turn into a Black Israelite?

If you think Filoni is bad with that don’t read Ostrander and Duursema’s comics

Republic Commandos do too according to the game that’s now a little murky canon wise, and the big innovation for theirs was a self-cleaning visor.

I always assumed as far as Star Wars helmets were concerned there was some amount of technology in the visors themselves that gave the characters a bigger field of vision because they’re always that small. 

I actually liked Jim Carrey as Eggman in the final scene, and I would love more of it along with the wackier stuff from the games. It would be better if Carrey was the ONLY human character in the next film, but that’s not going to happen