How about the Democrats run more Progressive candidates? Like more Charles Bookers and LESS Amy McGrath’s so we might have the chance of unseating ghouls like McConnell
Yeah, blame all of those disaffected voters that joined the half of ALL Americans that don’t vote, rather than the party that has done fuck all to stop this nonsense or even offer up a token resistance to Trump and the Republican Senate.
When did Cannon turn into a Black Israelite?
I actually liked Jim Carrey as Eggman in the final scene, and I would love more of it along with the wackier stuff from the games. It would be better if Carrey was the ONLY human character in the next film, but that’s not going to happen
I like Antz and Bugs Life about the same( problematic cast and crew aside), Antz has a great score
KOTOR 2 had a great explanation for the leveling up as you killed people thing, your character was an actual void in the Force that absorbed it from their enemies and allies, and they presented an existential threat to the Force and all life itself if they ever chose the Dark Side. Its also presented as a consequence…
I remember Home Improvement making him and his masculine persona the butt of the joke most of the time. He did make fun of the “sensitive guy”Al often enough but every insult seemed to get turned around on him by his character being way less competent or intelligent
My concern is less Grand Moff Tarkin and more Livia Soprano...
I really didn’t care about the story or the characters going in to the episode but damn was it depressing to watch it all unfold. Everyone but the writers did their jobs well and that just makes it worse
My only problem with the beginning was Thanos killing off half the Asgardians after they had just been through a similar slaughter by Hela.
Well Tyrion’s riding the the third dragon and Jon and Dany probably won’t be alive to keep nephew fucking after, but that is the most probable ending to the book series, assuming Martin lives long enough to write
Narratively, she should’ve been torn apart by peasants when she blew up the equivalent of their Vatican, but on a meta-level sjohnson is right, D&D will be very reluctant to kill her off and lose Lena Headey
The basic plot points are there, Stannis takes Winterfell, he’s defeated by the Others, Kings Landing blows up, Euron is stopped by the Tyrells and Dany and eventually Dany, Jon and Tyrion ride her dragons over the Wall to destroy the Others.
“That suggests something of a reversal: Game Of Thrones isn’t just telling the rest of Martin’s story before he can finish it himself; the show is doing it better than he could.”
Expert choreography in the prequels?? Dude, have you actually seen the prequels?! If so, remember Palpatine leaping forward and then slowly and awkwardly stabbing two Jedi and then another before engaging in the real duel with Mace Windu which was just as slow, akward and clumsy if not more so?
I feel like the ones who survived the Infinity Gauntlet will be the ones dying in the next film, presumably in sacrifice for their more fresh-faced companions and their eventual successors( RDJ and Chris Evans gave great pre-swan song performances . And Gamora seems most likely trapped in the Soul Gem rather than…
I really can’t see it, if Allen was really his bio dad then Mia Farrow’s genes are superhuman
He doesn’t look anything like Allen, but he looks almost exactly like his grandfather
I’m so sorry this happened to you but wow, you’re a damn good writer!