
I like Antz and Bugs Life about the same( problematic cast and crew aside), Antz has a great score 

I totally agree, I was just addressing how unfair it was to everyone involved. And how the show itself suffers in the restraint of GL’s canon. I can’t enjoy the show because no matter how good the character development is, its still depicting a conflict that doesn’t make sense, created through bad guy’s manipulations

Yeah, that’s why I sort of dislike most of the Clone Wars b/c its competent team had to write over the plotholes and shitty choices Lucas made throughout the trilogy and then he still gets the credit for their success and they even make his movies appearbetter”. Ashoka humanizes Anakin’s character in a way he never

Honestly looking forward to this, though I’m scared with what they might do with Yoda. Hopefully keep him away from the story training kids rather than using that goofy little lightsaber

KOTOR 2 had a great explanation for the leveling up as you killed people thing, your character was an actual void in the Force that absorbed it from their enemies and allies, and they presented an existential threat to the Force and all life itself if they ever chose the Dark Side. Its also presented as a consequence

I remember Home Improvement making him and his masculine persona the butt of the joke most of the time. He did make fun of the “sensitive guy”Al often enough but every insult seemed to get turned around on him by his character being way less competent or intelligent

Spacey space, or just space? Like are we talking full out Shi’ar empire-battle-on-Chandilar or a cheap-looking space station set?

It actually has roughly the same budget as Guardians of the Galaxy did, and they went buck wild with the spacey-ness. But the Fox movies certainly do LOOK cheap, don’t they? Is it all that similar blue paint they use for every other mutant? Or maybe their budgets go to actor salaries rather than nice sets or effects

Now playing

My concern is less Grand Moff Tarkin and more Livia Soprano...

While also ignoring all the space opera-y stuff that made those comics great, and that Marvel showed could be done with ease in GotG and Infinity War/Endgame....

Its better than Sheev...

I really didn’t care about the story or the characters going in to the episode but damn was it depressing to watch it all unfold. Everyone but the writers did their jobs well and that just makes it worse

More like an artistvshis ex-wife thing, he would never allow the films that weren’t “his” actual vision to be preserved for all time. those first two films were a collaborative effort, his ex-wife, Marcia and Gary Kurtz had the most prominent contributions in my opinion

Ramsay marries “Arya Stark”(Jeyne Poole) in the books and her rape and abuse is only ever implied. And just to be clear, its not treated as character development.

It would mean something for anyone else besides D&D, these are the guys that thought rape was necessary character development. Like you said, Ghost disappeared for a whole season, they don’t bother justifying it if they don’t feel like it.

You’re putting WAY too much thought into that, Ghost went away because cgi is expensive and they needed the budget full for the dragon

Dude, they literally justified Sansa’s rape as necessary character development this episode, at this point its not controversial to admit just how terrible the showrunners are.

Have you ever actually read the books?? Like seriously, Cersei is not the endgame villain, D&D made her so because they like Lena Headey and they’re shitty writers. She’ll be dead way before Dany reaches North in the book

My only problem with the beginning was Thanos killing off half the Asgardians after they had just been through a similar slaughter by Hela.

A whole different level? What level is “You want a bad girl but you need bad p*ssy.”? ‘Cause that feels like a few levels below “good”.