
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Have you had time to interact with your in-story family? Do the Ryders feel like a real family?

You have to realize at this point just how different the show has become from the books.

Except it actually has people interacting with the smallfolk and showing their plight. And in regards to themes, there are a hell of a lot more than them in the book than you’ll find in the show, because according to the showrunners, themes are for grade school book reports

Asami!! God I hope you keep getting work, you kinda dropped off the radar..


You’re inventing an explanation that the writers themselves didn’t bother giving, and the culpability should be automatic. Who else uses Wildfire? Whose trial was it?

What you’re doing with the first paragraph is called “honeypotting”, I would encourage you to look up that term. I think the only reason this show is as popular as it is, is that people smarter than the writers( like yourself, clearly) add more to the narrative than was intended.

Because Cersei BLEW UP the Sept and the High Sparrow, she blew up her own uncle and most of the Tyrell family. Kinslaying, killing the Lords that you swore oaths to and destroying the Westerosi equivalent of the Vatican ARE taboos in the setting of the books.

That’s not the detail that was suggested by Martin, it was the
“Hold the door” explanation which I’m sure they destroyed the context when they depicted it.

Every new development of the show rarely corresponds to an actual plot decision by GRRM, and if it does the context is wildly different/stupid.

I know the books, I love the books, they’re much much much better than the show. Tarly is a great commander and loyal to his liege lord.

And the Lannisters aren’t responsible for the destruction of the Sept of Baelor? Is Kevan and Tywin also not dead? Are the Lannister gold mines not completely dried up? That’s a show detail, by the way, GRRM isn’t stupid enough to put in that little detail in his books.

Yeah, b/c when I think of Randyll Tarly, I think questionable loyalty to his liege lord’s family!

Poor Quentyn’s theory is for the books where Euron is a genuine badass rather than a teddy bear-looking guy that brags about his dick

Its not like its been depicted as much as the Wayne murders. It was done once pretty well until Spiderman 3 made it dumb.

I forgot how much I dislike the idea that Obi Wan spent twenty years learning how to be a ghost.

Alfre Woodard was brilliant, but I have a problem with how her descent into Queenpin entailed so little of her own ideas.

Let’s not forget Lucas made a whole trilogy of films full of taxation and child murder “for the kids”

That’s where they got the whole idea to bring Maul back