
And yes OLP was better than Creed.

AKA Rickon

That face Sansa made while overlooking Arya and Brieanne's sparing. That's the "I went through years of awful, traumatic shit to ONLY be the God Damn Ringo Starr of the Stark Beatles" face.

Objection your honour. The Jon Snow rule only covers prophecy related deaths and reincarnation. Under Article 53 Clause 72 of the Lord of Light Act of ca10,000 the Martells are still entitled to not only the full death of The Mountain but one of Tywin's children still skulking around the red keep.

The Mountain's still lumbering around.

Yeah but still no justice for Elia and her children.

This had to have been the most fighting from Theon we've ever seen before he lept into the water. Either way he kills the Night's King or the show writers are going to regret not killing him here.

I appreciate a lot of that, but the point is that she is at least trying to be good even in the face of endless failure. I would argue you feel a lot more empathy for her trying and failing than the successes of Lou, Molly and Gus.

Did you read the article? "And The Leftovers makes the moment matter, because these aren’t two symbols speaking in abstracts. They’re people, beautifully realized by Coon and Theroux, who have experienced chaos and unpredictability firsthand—not characters expressing a writer’s competing ideas about chaos and

I have to say I don't approve of the hate against Carrie Coon's Gloria I've seen both here and in other places. She is as deep of a noble cop character as Alison Tomlin's and Patrik WIlson's character were in previous seasons. Every bit as good and endearing as a foil for Varga as the other two were against Malvoy and

I don't think either show, though I love both, does a great job showing us about Eastern Europe. Especially since the Americans is mostly set in America. And all Fargo is saying that a lot of extremely bad shit went down in Eastern Europe that is very hard to comprehend. Which it is.

There was enough there for me, between the techonological horror, and the allusions to the actual incomprehensible horror of eastern europe, to have a larger impact on me towards my thoughts at the world at large. While also enjoying bonus charcter moments from Nikki and Gloria, it's not like the characters where

Overall I found this season to be equal parts delightful and thoughtful without quite reaching the heights of the first 2, which is fine. It felt more like a an overt summary of themes of the Coens and the first two seasons than an amazing thing on its own right. It's time for Noah to move on to other things,

I can't stand "character driven is the ONLY true artistic way to tell a story" snobs. I mean I love character driven work, but story's should be used to get to the larger truths about the Universe, and the Universe is, sometimes but not always, larger than people themselves.

One thing I couldn't stand was his saying that Lynch, and only Lynch, created nightmares people could relate to. Like the reviewer knows what everyone dreams about. I can't possibly believe anyone dreams solely like a Lynch film. Me? Sometimes they are very grounded like Lynch with endless random bits. Sometimes they

And a high confidence guy would do what? Just brush off their connection like mud tracked in from the outside? Automatically assume the next one would be just as good? The two seasons went into great detail to show how hard it is for Dev to find basic human connections.

Absolutely wonderful. I can't think of a better female tv arc than Elizabeth's over the last five seasons. Just that precise sanding down of her edges to get the perfect balance between tough and soft.

That's TD. RBC is more obscure and southern based at the time.

I was just going through the city of Fargo on Google maps after seeing the one suburban RBC in the link (the one in the show was clearly downtown). They absolutely look nothing a like. It was hilarious. They would have been better off shooting in Red Deer.

Enjoying the show and its great use of mankind's violent history and the ever growing presence of the Internet. But I really wish they just said this season takes place in Alberta. They are not at all hiding the fact this is shot in Calgary. Hell I saw a bright blue and yellow RBC sign in the background.