
Of only 9 episodes total. I know TV, they are easing viewers into the Universe with some familiar tropes and and there is no way they are going to have the time to match all the areas Watchmen explored in equal detail, aside from the sociopolitical elements. Lindeloff is going to need more episodes, just like he

Sure, and like a lot of sequels, it’s missing the mark on something vital in the original. If I have to put into a word it is “struggling”. Sure these characters and the world itself are struggling in the TV sequel but not nearly to the painful depths the original had right from the start. Right now I would probably

Equally respectfully disagree. You’re looking through this in the frame of a TV show. Everything you said, just says more about the past regressive nature of TV as a storytelling medium and it’s various constraints due to budget. Compared to watchmen the novel and various other beloved complex books it gets compared to

There is a lot of good things in this adaption. And it works well independently as its own TV show. It is though missing some absolutely critical elements from the novel, which I would love to be adapted to the screen. Everything is just way too clean at the moment and they need to explore grander existential themes

I think you’re being harsh on their song writing abilities, especially since the Bends of all albums isn’t that different from the other ones soon after. So it’s strange you would like Radiohead at all. But would agree they lack a certain- for lack of a better term- “sharpness” compared to a lot of other all time

Isn’t this movie, Suspiria, a horror remake as well?

I know he has another season to go, but I’m getting serious Ken Levine and Bioshock Infinite vibes from the is whole thing for those who remember that game. A lot of very interesting and painful ideas in a complex genre, with a lot of incredible style but ultimately biting off more than Noah can chew based on the

What they both did was pretty awful and iredeemable. It was such a ridiculous leap to go from “I love you, lets get lost together” to “Time to die David Berkowitz”. And of course any sexual assault is extremely fucked up, jumping in bed with her after what he did to her mind.

I just can’t believe they used all of what you said as a cheap season ending cliffhanger. You don’t bring up the highly complex issues of memory manipulation, inception like idea manipulation, clinical loneliness, altruistic responsibilities of the mentally ill and sexual assault and just let it linger for a whole

I mean I guess it was kind of foreshadowed at the end of Syd’s flashback episode. David was not just very hurt by Syd almost putting a bullet into him (which had a ton whiplash on its own), but like Syd in the flashback, was also not fully comprehending the extent of his powers and the consequences they entailed. It

I’m OK with those two not getting any real judicial punishment. I’d rather have their charcters follow the soldiers arc; them ruining their personal lives and having a mind jammed full of traumatic memories all in the name of their country than the criminal arc of ending up in jail, or states witness for greed. Jail

Paige was a born again Christian, so that’s not all too surprising. Though I would like to believe her newfound outrage came from a deeper level. The people she saw as casualties up to that point were more or less in the Cold War “game” by choice to a certain degree. But the drunken kid she saw was innocent of

Stan telling his superiors years after they met is way too little too late, he will be disgraced and it will probably only save him from a severe invesigation into his own activities. Not to mention he has already pissed off his superiors in the past. His disgrace would be both more realistic and falls in line with

Stan will be deep within the degraced zone next week when the FBI find’s out his long time neighbours and besties were KGB the entire time. No way would Renee then get a job in the FBI, so its probably pointless to make her KGB as well. Though it would be cool if she was KGBthen decides to sever ties with them and

One thing I have missed from this season that I got a brief retaste of this week was the Paige-Phillip relationship. The sight of the two most put upon characters in the show finally locking eyes this season was wonderful to see. Paige and Phillip are the heart and soulof The Americans, the two characters most aware

As long as the explanations were fascinating, which they were in this film, I could care less if they were laborious or not. In a movie like this it is more important the content is imaginative and connective creating a larger whole. It matters less in how the content was delivered.

“Not because I want her to abandon her kids, but because if she got to the same point Rick did once, the only thing that might bring her back is to learn the same lesson he did: life sucks, but it sucks less when you experience it with someone else.”

Inspite of Gordon’s bland silence I adore Half Life. I never watched the X-files but I did watch Fringe and I think the plot in Half Life was better. It was both more concise, more thoughtful on the ideas of life in an indifferent Universe and the limits of man’s ability to control anything. The contrast between

All I see is the showrunners or the HBO exectuives ridiculous need to jam this show with as many Dexter-level psycopaths as possible.

They didn't have to kill another character beyond the wall, but it would have been nice if at least wounded someone. Jon losing a leg, Jorah losing his hand, Tormund losing his beard, etc.