
I enjoyed it,like one of those trippier meandering Mad Men episodes. And it's crazy to think their is a tv show that can switch from break-neck, Breaking Bad paced thriller one season and move into a Mad Men episode a lot.

I liked the inciting incident. In the previous two there were some dark comedic elements, but this was just so oppresive and isolating. Having the house in the middle of nowhere with no one else around really helped give it-and I read this in another review but it's true-a real horror vibe.

No, they empathize with themselves. Mistakes happen, information is not always clear and they did there best. It's nothing compared to the ongoing suffering of the motherland. And based on the historical relationship between Russia and the rest of the world, true patriots can never be certain any world saving

Couldn't agree more she's right up there with Sally Draper as best long term teenage characters. A perfect balance between intelligent and vulnerable. There are few characters of any age that pulls off stoically overwhelmed as well as Paige.

I love how it's just Paige with Phillip eating Chinese take out wallowing in their misery together, for me that paring is the true heart of this show.

Has there ever been an open world game that tackles such a diverse range of environmental and ecological landscapes? What other game has a jungle, volcano, massive canyon, desert, plains, and tundra? Mountains both Arctic and more Appalachian (Deciduous) like in appearance? And make everything look like either an

Agreed the superior ending. Nick ending up with both Jess and Reagan is like Star Wars level of pop-escapism. Who knew this lowly sitcom would reach such heights.

I hope Jess says screw it and just ends up with Reagan at the end. She's too good for Nick.

Hey, I'm trying to eat my lunch here!

Impossible Soul by Sufjan Stevens finally heard it this year, what an absolutely epic song. One of the greatest emotional sonic experiences I have ever had.

So we can all agree the big loser is Killian, right? What an awful place to put him in, asking for Becca's breast milk. Hope things improve for the kid, maybe Jimmy will spend more time with him now. Unless Gretchen burns his house down first.

meh for me that's what youtube is for. Much better at pure escapism. Stuff like rocketjump's channel, corridor, smosh, lindsay stirling etc.

It's kind of true, but she wanted to be an on camera performer not a writer. They weren't directly competing, and if Edgar has success with it he could directly land her roles.

I think it's a Mars Attack sequel, the young Miss Taffy ia able to maintain her white house bedroom by growing up to marry a president, only to find he was a Martian when they played some Slim Whitman during a parade in Dallas causing his head to explode.

Nothing at all? I mean, nothing clearly layed out, but something has been heavily hinted by whiterose about the Washington Township plant and it's effects on Elliot and Angela. To the point where Angela did a total 180 on getting justice for her mother. And if they only thing that made them "special" (as Whiterose

Loved the kraftwerk at the beginning, the way it switched reverb when they moved inside. I wished they just ripped the bandaid off when it comes to higher sci-fi concepts in this episode, and the slow python method won't be for everyone. But the creativity still soars past basically everything else on TV right now,

I can see some Hannibal parralels. At this point it seems more and more like the successor to Fringe I've been waiting years for.

So much love for Paper boi, but my actual favorite part was with Ern and the guy on the bus. The line about always losing and wondering the need for it was heartbreaking. And I'm pretty sure you get a glimpse of a gray dog he has when he leaves the bus, that's the same dog in the opening scene when he glances over

" the focus is on fucked up, depressing shit," well people have liked that shit since stories were invented, from greek tragedies by Aeschylus to Shakespeare to Hemmingway etc. Nothing to do with the AV Club at all.

Theis seems more like Louie than Master of None. I loved the fetishizing over the special fried chicken and the almost instant responsibility Alfred feels to his new fans and the ridiculous faith they put in him.