
What do you have against "dramedy"? It is a dumb word but the ideas behind it are sound. More witty than your typical drama, more sad and painful than your typical comedy. It's perfectly fine for people to aim for it.

I don't know… still waiting on seeing the tone of white on their business cards before making any judgements.

It wasn't even a joke, just had to state this fact when I saw the etire frontpage riddled with them. It's not my job to, but I will more often if they give me better material to respond to.

They might as well change the name of the website to just another aggregator with the occasional review.

You forgot Crystal Casltes, along with BSS those two will always be the bands that represent the best of my country to me.

I actually thought it was smart to create an episode as a straight forward palette cleanser. A regular thriller to break up the endless psychological twists, creative diversions and societal rage of Elliot's story.

I'm not particularly familiar with Springsteen, and I've never really had this debate before. I wasn't clear in my last post and will move the goal posts a bit now, to better fit what I have issue with. Which is fine, it's music and almost entirely subjective.

A lot of this didn't come from the band itslef, but their fans and the media twisting their songs into it. Yet it I believe it is foolish to deny that either Springsteen or Downie didn't write their songs with a great sense of pride and glorification of those places without ever digging into the downsides. It's just

As a lifelong Canadian, I have to say I never got close to liking the hip. There songs were alright for the most part, but I just couldn't stand the Canadian-ness of it. The best part of being Canadian for me is being able to avoid all these country specific cultural necessities and patriotism that are rammed down

Also released a new album, if this is how an artist screws with us, I wish more would do so.

There is now another album, a genuine one called Blondes just released. People should listen to it.

Not sure about how much Angela knows the influence Mr. Robot has over Elliot. Does she know that it was mostly Mr. Robot and that Elliot in the end didn't want to go through with the 5/9 attacks. I suspect she does and is willing to trust Elliot espically after his confession. Probably also explains her coldness to

I'm one of those people who doesn't every movie needs a strong supporting cast to be great. It makes sense she would have people around her who cares and wants to help, but they don't need to be fleshed for the movie to be awesome.

I really enjoyed the show, but the show IMO suffers in comparison to that other omage to 80's horror flicks "It follows".

Well, no simply because being force fed that much liquid cement within seconds is highly fatal. They are not killing off Elliot this early in the series, thus it had to be a dream sequence.

I was eating my dinner in front of the TV right when the scene switched from the cement to the vomit. I had to close my eyes for a little bit to keep me from immediately gagging on my food.

60's psychedelic infused hip-hop and club music, they still have that unique Avalanches sound. Shaping up to be a pretty good year in music, at least for my tastes.

Agreed, if she really cared about her children, she would have left the game after Joffrey's death or just let Maergery have some power over Tommen. It has always been about power for her and what that makes her feel, nothing more, as she basically said in the speech to the sept nun strapped to the table.

That was a hell of an armada at the end. I think it was perfectly reaonable to have Vaerys meet up with Danerys in the middle of the sea to make sure she knew the Tyrell and Martel fleets were on her side.

I thought he sent the infantry all at once with the pikeman and shields. The wall of cavalry bodies behind them created a stratgeic height advantage but it still needed soldiers to use it.