
I had assumed Jimbo Jones was involved somehow, that he would at least have been the key witness.

Summer too :( Comeback to Westeros Arya, we need Nymeria to fill the dire wolf shaped holes in our hearts.

"tremulousness" because this is Cannes, and if you can't bust out the thesaurus for Cannes, when are you going to do it?

Love hearing him channel the Dirty Projectors in "Same Drugs", absolutely lovely.

Not sure. The market for this kind of music has gone way down since the nineties, but having read a lot about this band over the years, a lot of people (enough for a fan-base) to really find Thom's voice distinctly striking and soothing for some reason I'm not sure of, and I say that as fan. And people like, PT

What kind of new ground do you want this almost 30 year old band to cover? Does quality need innovation? If Radiohead isn't covering Radiohead's ground, who will?

Well, their are different reasons. In early hip-hop a lot of production sounded the same over an album, probably because the producer found a dope new way of producing beats and just rolled with it the entire time. I know a lot of trance electronic music needs time to condition a loop into a listener before switching

"guitar-driven rock record from these guys, but the nice thing about riffs and choruses is they tend to give a song a distinct identity."

Sounds like Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and some of Portishead's softer songs. What a discography, up their with any other band in history for me. Really hope this isn't their last album.

This true love waits is definitely the best version for me, the soft piano and slower tempo gives more time for his powerful but weary vocals reach to its full emotional impact. That and the little piano flourishes are just gorgeous.

Really digging the Four Tet, but slower, vibe on this.

Honestly one of my favorite songs of theirs, I love the pulsating beat and sound effects dragged from pyramid song. And the last few lines are heart-breaking.

I couldn't imagine Paige in prison, that would not be a good look on her. Though I'm sure mom and dad would think up some sort of bad-ass rescue mission. That would be pretty cool actually.

I like how Elizabeth started by calmly and rationally explaining the situation to Paige again, but she still didn't understand the gravity of the issue. Everyone understood by the time she was finished with her.

It's similar to Proven Lands on TWBB bit I like this song more, it just starts so much more upbeat and positive with just a slight hint of the ominous and then descends into the terror. While Proven Lands is all ominous and anxious all the time. But yes Jonny's stuff is amazing regardless of whether it is with

Screw Russia, the Jennings should be relocated to Communist Cuba. We need to see Henry's reaction to the Cuban beach girls, he'll never have to hide a picture again.

Please Mr. Gilligan, I'm begging, give us a full season of aging and depressed Jimmy Mcgill, Cinnabon manager by day, secret lawyer by night, trying to re-connect with Kim. Please make it happen one day.

I never said he worked smart, dumb people work hard all the time and yeah his ego isn't as crazy as most talented directors who would do a better job with these movies.

I never said he worked smart, dumb people work hard all the time and yeah his ego isn't as crazy as most talented directors who would do a better job with these movies.

As someone who deals with a lot of businessmen. Snyder seems like the ideal person egotistical executives would want to invest their money in. Confident, good looking, works hard but doesn't have a giant creative ego. Appears to be nice and charming, someone you would love to sit down and have a drink with. And this