
This is why I’m not their audience... I remember Full House. I watched Full House. I have no interest in rewatching any house. I have my own, which requires cleaning and fixing and other things that are old.

Bookmarked, and so excited. Also, I read your comments in Kate Mulgrews voice.

Ok, what are everyone’s hopes for the characters? Here are mine:

I’ll be honest. I do not like Leonardo DiCaprio.

Oh, Bill. Silly ol’ bear.

I think I’ll enjoy it either way.

There’s this idea that leaving the baby-mom is leaving the kids.

Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.

One time I accidentally put my contacts into my contact lens cleaner instead of my saline solution when I was going to put them in and it did feel like my eyes were screaming.

My personal favorite:

The comments here are going to turn into a shitstorm of epic proportions, so would anyone like to talk about the weather? Post puppy gifs? Has anyone bought any cool shoes recently?

Hawke hit the nail on the head when he articulated the sadness that other people couldn't make Williams happy - even though he made the people around him happy. This has been bothering me but I didn't know how to express it.

So you haven't seen his show. He has had several. weird/scary outbursts while knowingly on camera. Can only imagine what theyhave edited out.

His face is provoking. He should not wear it outside of his home.

are you kidding? He is not the type to touch anyone unless provoked.... he's a good kid and he's a victim of someone who is trying to get attention.

Said it on Facebook this morning, saw it a lot in the Gawker comments - time to away with internet anonymity. No censorship, just post whatever you want to post with your first and last name next to it, linked to your Facebook account or email address. If you think it's okay to taunt a grieving 25-year-old with

I'm cancelling this week everyone. This week is now over. Everyone please go home and set your alarms for Monday morning.

Is it weird that I think he wore Miley Cyrus better than she did?

doesn't he looks like Franco doing Kim K