Moms are neg ninjas.
Moms are neg ninjas.
Thanks, DM me and I’ll give you my address so you can forward the extra $1,000 for each way every time I fly.
I love how all of these guys are suddenly realizing they’re not as hot as they think they are and morphing into assholes, like gremlins you’ve fed after midnight.
First of all, congrats RISD students! Much love from this art school kid! Y’all seem pretty rad up north.
I want to preface my response by saying that I absolutely am strongly in favor of gay rights and think that under anti-discrimination laws, a baker should have to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple just as for any other couple. But this wasn’t a wedding cake, it was a cake with a specific message on it saying…
You’re missing the bigger story: two women in a DV situation face 7 game suspension each no questions asked. The public has to revold to get serial male batterers in professional sports to face any consequences ever.
I would guess poorly. You dated her for 18 years and didn’t get married, but are now engaged to someone you’ve been dating for 7 months. :/
You’re right. You seem like a caring dude. When you bring home flowers, pour her a glass of wine and say, “Why don’t you sit down while I put these in a vase for you?” That would be well received, trust me.
Maybe just just dips her finger in a vat of the stuff - like a bishop blessing water.
As far as what’s going on in the narrative of commercial I think his hands are shaking around second 40 (as he is pouring and then drinking) because he has stabbed the women to death prior to returning to his posh mansion near the Hamptons. He is drinking to calm his nerves when the woman he kills appears before him…
Oh god, these are all terrible.
I can only sleep on a bed made of whipped cream, so I get it.
Hope I’m not taking this too seriously, but...You know Lyme disease is real, right?
Looks like all that time she spends “doing school” every weekday has been really effective.
All of the stories made me laugh, because I am a bad person. However, I will say that the bar mat shot and the eye drop trick can lose a business their liquor license, and the eye drop trick is regarded as aggravated assault, since one is, in essence, poisoning someone. Most eye drops don’t have that ingredient in it,…
I really don’t see that as passive aggressive. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” Ok. You’re sorry - legit apology. That’s normal. Also, you didn’t hear the person. That’s a statement of fact and lets them know that it was unintentional. That’s cool and a normal thing to say and makes sense. “You don’t have to yell”…
That’s what you took away from this? She didn’t have to yell. That’s insane. If telling someone that is passive aggressive, then I don’t know what kind of VIP treatment you think this barista deserves when she’s literally humiliating customers for no reason.
“Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.”
Myriad labs in Utah doesn't hold the rights to the testing any more. In fact Quest labs offers a test now that is drastically cheaper than the Myriad one. A big, big issue with getting insurance to pay is having "enough" first degree relatives to warrant a test. My mother has it and so does a cousin of mine and her…