
It's totally a real thing! I went to Sicily last summer and one time I was TRYING to say, "Good morning, I would like a cappuccino please" but instead I was all, "I oppose gay adoption, and synthetic babies are an abomination against God and nature." It was so embarrassing.


I'm normally a very nice person who values politeness and kindness- until this one day. I had just moved from a pedestrian-friendly city to one that required a car, and was still adjusting to car culture when I got really sick and had to go to the doctor. The office was in one of the busiest areas of the city, and I

I'm sorry, I really love Kathy Griffin, but what the fuck is she talking about? Her entire comedy schtick, for the past 20 years, has been making fun of celebrities' personal lives, emotional problems, and yes, their looks mercilessly. She made jokes about how 'crack-y' Whitney Houston sounded in all of her comebacks,

The "free pass" is the free pass from criticism. Remember he just had this epiphany a little while ago, so its not like he shed his 30+ years of conditioning within a sexist society in a flash. It is expected that he will make mistakes because he's still a newbie at this, but pulling out the old "what matters is in my

The day I suck a man's dick for any other reason than because I goddamn felt like it is the day every single one of you needs to put a fucking bullet in my head.

Am I the only one who is finds Chris Harrison oddly attractive? I don't know what's happening to me…

I always thought putting a baby in and around colors helps with their ocular development, because they're born blind like cats.

I was correctively raped as a result of being asexual. He was going to "fix" me.

Any response that disagrees with you, is utterly useless? Was it my tone?

I have read the thread, and- you're not going to like this- I have to say that the responses that I found the most shocking were yours. You say you were backed into a corner, that you went on the defensive- does that absolve you?

Emma, this isn't the Harry we had in mind.

This has to be about the tenth time I've heard of such an incident.

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

This is some brave shit.

I did not personally eat it, but I was the unfortunate witness to someone else eating the most putrid ice ream ever created. I can hear you saying "Wait, how do you make ice cream disgusting?" Well let me tell you. When I was in college in Seattle there used to be a ice cream shop called The Mix that was basically the

Well that example really doesn't hold, to me. You might not directly be within the sphere on influence of your partner, but the larger university sphere can still be impacted.
