It really pisses me off that people question the validity of food “intolerance” like it is some lie made up to offend them. If I have determined that I feel better when I don’t eat gluten, why the fuck does anyone else care, especially if I do not make it their problem? I was diagnosed with several food intolerances…
The reason the kids were rapt with joy is that it’s very alienating, lonely, and stressful to be a little kid who can’t eat what the other kids eat. This article is shitty, mean, and weirdly unnecessary.
Gently insert a biscuit into your lovers mouth to let him know he is using just the right amount of tongue.
You forgot #6 Be prepared to go to court and repay her for her belongings. (It turns out being mad does not give you a right to destroy the property of the person you are mad at.)
What's with the insultbrag.
Don’t be so harsh! He only had 20 minutes to put together a suit from materials he found in an abandoned room of a country club.
Any slight to Ann Coulter brings a smile to my face.
I’m not sure I’d concur that there was “no excuse” for killing a baby in 1787. While foundling hospitals existed, they were hotbeds of abuse and disease. If your child survived childhood disease and a near starvation diet, s/he would be condemned to a life of poverty with no family support network. The very best…
It’s interesting to me that no one in these threads got curious and did any reading on this. Medicating these people just doesn’t seem to do anything for them. It’s funny how body dysmorphia like this has people suggesting she needs medications when sufferers of BIID seem to be effectively cured by just having their…
Yes! I think there’s a dynamic here where the cool kids want to show how much more sophisticated they are than the unruly masses who got into Serial by just blanket poo-poo’ing the entire show. And one of the ways to do that is to adopt the “clearly he did it, Keonig is a shitty jouranlist” critique. Well, ok then.…
It legit scares me in these true crime type posts, how many otherwise open-minded people come out of the woodwork proclaiming absolute unshakable certainty in something they can’t possibly have certain knowledge of.
How was that your takeaway from that program? She raised numerous issues that should have left you with serious and certainly reasonable doubt of his guilt. Even if your convinced he’s guilty (because you believe our criminal justice system works despite vast evidence to the contrary), how can you be so smug about a…
PLEASE, Nature, don’t let the rapist die before he gets to see the inside of a jail cell. Do this for me, Nature, do it!! Keep this bastard in good-enough-to-live health for a bit longer.
Honestly. Here, all along, I’ve been popping out babies for my career as a welfare queen . Had I known I could have been aborting them rather than going through with the whole 40-week pregnancy, I’d have been turning a profit that much more quickly! Man, it’s the American Dream for real!
I would like to start out by saying that I know and love many nurses (my mom was one for 30+ years), I admire and respect the job they do, and Joy Behar is an idiot. Nurses are awesome!
Everyone has fat, and in some circles, (sororities/greek life, fashion, rich New Yorkers), she would be considered to be a fat person because she’s not super skinny. Is this a reflection of how fucked up our society is when it comes to what we consider thin and sexy? Of course. But when a size 20 says I’m not fat…
As a self enlightened individual, you have to understand the irony of the male feminist showing up to tell the ladeez to keep down the snark.
Caught in a manslide....