Science is Bad

Those ain't tears…

Hey, good choice, pixie cuts are hot.

The Rattail is truly one of the worst haircuts in the history of mankind.

NO! I'm not used to praise! Stop! Berate me… Come on, I need this.

God damn it, I was gonna make that joke!
…thank you for sparing me the embarrassment.

Truth be told, I'm almost unaware of Moby's existence. I recollect only one Moby song, the one in the Bourne movies.

Oh, hey, it's like those other compilations of Kubrick's work.
Still pretty though.

Nope. I barely recognized him though!

That's a hobo, that's not Bill Murray.

No Bill Murray though? Dang. He would've made it 10 times more awkward to watch.

I love both of these shows so goddamn much it hurts my black, withered heart.

I think I've played that episode of "You Don't Know Jack."

I want to see Tommy Wiseau's house.

Isn't emoji old news already? Oh god, please let it be old news…

Where's Dancing_Jesus.gif?

Give that guy some ibuprofen, looks like he has a killer headache.

I want more Rick and Morty in my life. I've heard there's a website I can visit?

God. Damn. It.

Hey, so, what's the consensus on Wayward? Looks cool, but I don't know if it's worth purchasing. Help me out here guys.

Patrick Stewart is the best- so yeah, of course I'll watch this.