Science is Bad

No, the PTA has not disband—
Wait, I think I got the wrong quote.

* What was the hum in that room in the Great Northern?

It did seem for a while like a mentor/apprentice kind of relationship, and I wasn't really looking forward to it being a romantic thing, but… eh. They have a lot in common, they're on a quest together, and they're both kind of new to this thing, so I guess it works. I wasn't against it.

Persona 4 has a decade of spin-offs and remakes on Persona 5. It cannot possibly win, and it probably never will, because P5 seems like it's more… complete, and will not get a "golden." Maybe some spin-offs though.

It may be crucial to its success, but I agree with cappadocius there. Those bastards (fat or not) really do need to get it together.

They did well. It's not 100% there, but it's OK. I just have an old GPU, I'm buying a 980 next month.

Hey dicknose. I'm pretty well! Thank you for asking. You?

I wrote, I need to refine, and figure out where the story is going. Ugh.

Adventure Time, Archer, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil.

Dark Souls 3. It's turning my GPU into an oven though.

Well that just sounds dirty. In the best possible way, of course.

Great job, internet!

Mhm. Maybe should've read Bone Clocks first. Still, it wouldn't help the pacing of this book. It feels like an addendum more than a full-fledged story.

I've just read it, and it went from being a great, fun read, to a book I didn't want to even finish. The last two chapters are just lazy and unimaginative.

It's just a very spacious van.

The trailer did not make me want to watch this, but maybe I'll give it a shot.

"Richie, this is sex with a woman.

He should probably see a doctor.

So this is it, eh? Been a long road…

Heck yes Mad Max! Also- good for Bojack. He deserved it.