Science is Bad

Well… didn't find the trailer funny, but the movie could be OK? Maybe? Good for them for not relying on any referential humor, it was probably pretty tempting considering they wrote for Robot Chicken.

The Descent was my favorite. Cabin was OK. And since we're already talking about horror-comedy movies, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a stellar movie very much worth watching.

I don't know, I couldn't get past the first 20 seconds. That's when Two-Face starts uh… "Rapping."

I was also once called a temp baby.

What the hell is even going on anymore.

Sounds like corporate talk. Eugh.

Intriguing. Mental note- keep an eye on… what was the name of this movie again? Oh yeah, The Keeping Room. I don't know why, but it sounds super generic to me.


Don't look into his eyehole. That's a 3rd date kind of thing.

Which songs would Bill Clinton listen to though? I'm more interested in that. Or Richard Nixon? *shudder*

Hey now, don't explode all over me!

OK, but for Christ's sake, don't sneeze.

Hee hee. He said penis.

I gotta admit something here- I've just read what the book was about on Wikipedia, cause I've had enough of this show. It felt good to just move on.

I'd like to see a remake that would try to "realistically" show what would happen if said situation actually took place. You know, in terms of how it would impact them psychologically and stuff.

Kids! Play nice!

Yo. This was like a cartoon roll call of characters. I'm the man's man! I'm the funny one! I'm the tough one! Good lord. Well, the dialogue is alright, so I'm game.

Huh. Why is it 4:3 and then one time 16:9? Is that a stylistic thing?

Probably will be a little bit like Anchorman 2. Years too late and not as good but still worth a watch.

I gotta say, we're entering the era of the show that's alien to me. I honestly remember only bits and pieces of this episode!