Science is Bad

Well that's WAY more acceptable. I was super confused since I did not really understand this:

When I typed it in it switched it to "Boning."

Holy shit. Charles Dance was definitely NOT awkward. And neither was Diana Rigg.

Why are there so many articles about this show? Is it good? Has someone watched it?
EDIT: OK, they gave it an "A." Fair enough.

Wait a second. I've just read the last issue of Court (that would be the 7th one) and…



I'm trying to get into Snyder's Batman. Reading the Court of Owls, seems OK for now.

Man, a lot has changed these past 10 years (in relation to gender stereotypes and sexuality.) I mean, even back then "Bend Her" wasn't a great episode, but man… it aged poorly.

It was a spam-bot, alannaofdoom was just being cheeky.

Oh gosh. It can't be. If that was their idea, then that's just lazy writing. Who would say that? Who says "sick-twisted" in any way ever?

Also- that "meet cute" line just doesn't work on a very basic level. They used "sick-twisted" as a spin on the "meet-cute," yeah? They replace the two words "meet" and "cute" with "sick" and "twisted," right? Well, that doesn't make sense since "meet" is not an adjective, and then they repeat the word "meet" in "we

The "F" grade always draws huge crowds, no matter the show. I love reading these reviews.

Look, I was working on this matter transporter and…

Bojack Horseman and his adventures, Bojack. Bojack Horseman forever, and forever a hundred years Bojack Horseman some things. Me and Bojack Horseman running around and Bojack Horseman time, all day long forever. Hundred days, Bojack Horseman forever a hundred times. Over and Over, BojackHorsemanAdventures. com,

Deep cut. Nice.

You know, I would laugh and say that it's another one of those YouTube things blah blah blah, but I really like those shots. The music maybe isn't suitable for this video, but it's nice.

No, no, no. It's "Go see The Ant-Man," it's a cross-promotion kinda thing.

Let's keep it short and simple people.

Yeah, well, you don't.