Science is Bad

Yeah, this one always felt a little bit off. I think it's because Homer is so stubborn and not fun to watch. He's acting like a real uh… a uh… I swear, I've had a word for it… I think it had something to do with the letter "J."

Will they retroactively change it to the "A" grade like they did with Over the Garden Wall? Because it deserved that A+ you monsters! Sorry, still sore on that one.

It was Hans, as in Hans Christian Andersen. Either a homage or a statement. I think it's the latter more than the former since they made him the villain, but who knows!

I disagree with all of your points. Maybe sans the last one, but it's a good step forward for Disney, so I don't mind it not being too revolutionary. You didn't like it, I liked it. Even though I admit, it wasn't nearly as good as any Pixar movie… well, maybe better than Cars.

It wasn't a shit sandwich. People are too self-conscious about what they like. It was a rad movie with some good songs.

Ribs. Freddy's. Hot.


That's true. But They get compared to each other because, well, these two are eerily similar. Both are a quasi-miniseries, they were released close to each other, both are very specific and well written.

Well it's not like they can write an anal history of the over-the-top fashion of clueless.

My, you're needlessly aggressive. You're bumming me out, and I have not been nasty in any way towards you.

Honestly? It still hurts. Especially since I was really confused and bored during that last episode.

I did the exact same thing! Bought them on Comixology.

I bought Neil Gaiman's American Gods for my Kindle thingy. I have no idea if it's good or not, but hey, I have nothing else to read!

Ms. Marvel, Saga and Hawkeye. Enjoying all of them immensely.

I am pumped. Please don't True Detective yourself Fargo!

Uh, just one more thing, just one more thing. My wife, she's always saying I am..
I uh…
…Wait, this isn't the "Columbo Impersonation" club? Well eff this noise then. I'm outta here.

Yeah that really screwed with my mind. And my mind is already pretty screwy.

Gosh, I really do need to start watching this show again, don't I? Okay, okay, fine, you win this round AV Club.

Don't you have a pizzeria to run? If I don't get my pizza in 30 minutes, I'm not paying for it.

He does too! He plays his own instrument, and I'm pretty sure that is his real hair!