Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

Same. I’m old enough to remember the hearings and until now I honestly didn’t remember Biden even being a part of it. Also, he has apologized to Anita Hill, as she has stated herself - she may not have been satisfied with his apology, but it’s on record that he did speak to her and apologize. But of course none of the

Not a student, but I work at a university, and the admin is basically testing everyone EXCEPT faculty and staff. They were hiding diagnosed cases until a couple weeks ago, in an effort to force grad students and associated staff to come back to working in labs. Researchers have been back for weeks with “precautions”

I’m inclined to agree. I mean this is Star Wars, not some indie art house drama. No one watches it expecting deep, well-thought-out character arcs. It’s primarily marketed at KIDS, ffs. NONE of the main characters had anything resembling character development by the end of the third movie.

Right? I mean his Sherlock was basically a full-time drama queen.

My Polish grandma did the same. She got to be super comfy and look cute at the same time.... win-win in my book.

I agree - I watched LW recently and had forgotten how scary it is - I think it’s actually scarier than the original, to be honest.

Same. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it and I’ll never tire of it. I think I was 10 or 11 when it came out, and I read the book first because the movie looked scary and I wanted to know what to expect.  Turned out the movie scared me even more than the book did.

I’ve had a Tennant Crush for YEARS now. The man is inexplicably hot.

SAME.  I saw a very short clip of him as Kilgrave and it was literal nightmare fuel. When that man plays a bad guy he is CHILLING.

Exactly.  This is precisely the reaction Finn would have had.

Um, I’m sorry.....”workload”? I know Kate is busy with the kiddos, but to draw any similarity between “royal duties” and the work involved in a regular person’s job is....a little ridiculous.

Yeah- PAINFULLY awkward to read. This is....a professional author?  It reads like it comes from the dregs of Ao3.

Agreed. Real person fanfic is gross on Tumblr and ao3, and it’s just as gross in this.

Actual image of me reading this:

Okay, listen. As an immunologist, I feel like everyone needs to hear:

I look scary af without mascara, so I’ve been wearing that, at least, every day. I add blush if I have a work Zoom call or something but I’ve been bad about keeping up with lip balm. I’ve also gotten out of the habit of wearing jewelry - I started to miss wearing it so I’m going to make an effort to remember to put on

I love K’eyush!

Or, maybe you live with someone high-risk and don’t want to expose them.

Narcos was SO good. I think it was probably a little too sympathetic to Escobar - dude was inarguably a monster - but I loved Javier Peña so much it made up for it.