Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

Oh for god’s sake shut up. 2 out of 50 states have voted. I don’t want 2 of the least-representative states in the country speaking for me, thank you.

Ugh, I had almost managed to forget about that for a while. Fuck Murkowski in particular for making a show out of considering witnesses before finally staying with the party line. You’d have to be brain-dead to think the GOP has any credibility at all after this.

I mean, it’s really effing cute. I would if I wouldn’t immediately hate myself for spending that kind of money on it.

I dated this particular dumbass right after grad school. He was about a year behind me in getting his Master’s degree, and was preparing to apply to PhD programs (or, as he called it “doctoral school”.) We had been together about a year at this point. Any time he was either “stressed out” by writing this thesis or

I just threw up in my mouth a little. Get that shit off your face, Bieber.

Exactly what I was going to say.  Those “pistol squats” look like a great way to fuck up your knees.

Ugh, seriously.  I’m like why am I seeing this child’s face everywhere. Wasn’t he paired with a much older dude in a movie recently?  Ew....

OMG “Walmart Liberace”. 🤣🤣🤣

So...if you hate it so much then stop watching it, maybe. You do realize they likely intend this show to run multiple seasons, right? If the main character went through all of his character development in the first five episodes, like you seem to think he should....there wouldn’t be any place left for the story to go.

This, exactly. I had a friend who regaled me with details of her latest crisis every time we talked and it was exhausting. There was no “hey, do you mind if I get your opinion on this or can I just vent to you?” It was just “here are allll of my current problems, and then I’ll ask you how you’re doing for five

I pay $236 for a cut and highlights, and I only go twice a year because that’s expensive af. And yet men can get away with being slovenly af and when they do bother to groom themselves, they still pay less for it.

Holy shit, no kidding.

That was my reaction.  Every hot take judging him for it feels really gross to me. If that’s how he chooses to process his grief, no one else should have anything to say about it.

As someone who is completely unwilling to let summer go, I’m fine with an October heatwave. I’ll look back on it fondly when it’s well into February and I want to kill myself if I see one more snowflake.

I love how Toensing is all “What, me and hubby help Giuliani help Trump? No way, totally false.” and then ends the tweet with #maga2020.


So we’re not going to talk about how Ivanka and Kushner got cushy government appointments despite not being qualified to do literally anything, huh?

Just more of Splinter’s usual “But He’s a Centrist/Not Bernie” whataboutism hot takes.

For God’s sake, Splinter. You’ve been howling about how the Dems need to impeach the Orange One for months, and now that they finally are?

Same.  I’m very afraid for that woman.