Agent Scully: Feminist She-Devil

Flight of the Conchords, a TV show which Clement and Waititi also worked on.

It warms my working-while-going-to-school/neck-deep-in-student-loans one too.

I’ve never seen the movie, but I remember my Catholic family having the same reaction. I remember my mom briefly seeming interested in seeing it, but when we heard how gruesomely violent it was I think we both felt like the focus on that violence was entirely missing the point of Christ’s story.

Same, after a couple weeks of that playlist I wanted to die. (Actually, their nitpickiness about store displays also made me feel homicidal, but that’s a different story.)

Yikes. I generally think Simon is cute but if they were going for the “unhealthily thin” look they nailed it.


If anyone hasn’t read Bad Blood, please go read it. It’s so good, and a little horrifying to read how this psycho managed to fleece so many people. My mom and I are reading it together and shaking our heads at how absolutely nuts Holmes is. I’m a little bit over halfway through it and read the first part on a plane -

I don’t know about you all but I’m going to be watching updates on Cohen’s testimony like

Seriously! Gaga sounded like she was scream-singing the whole time, the song really is awful.

I just made myself laugh out loud imagining him singing it in his Rocket Raccoon voice.  It would’ve been infinitely more entertaining than what we got.

This, exactly. I have a bully at work who occasionally tries to needle me (she usually tries to start shit via group email when I’m out of the office/on vacation.) My response is to shut that shit down by replying calmly, copying my boss so he sees her bullshit, and moving on. It pisses her off to no end that she

Exactly.  The brothers were still placed at the scene and his version of events STILL doesn’t add up.

Glenn Close looks fucking stunning.  I love it.

I still don’t understand why this show even exists. Sheldon is basically an insufferable asshho; why the hell should we care about what he was like as a child?

I still don’t understand why this show even exists. Sheldon is basically an insufferable asshole; why the hell should we care about what he was like as a child?

We should stop calling them “biohackers” and call them what they actually are, “morons”.

Guys, I think we found Jussie’s burner account.

Are you out of your mind?  He lied, repeatedly, and it appears his motive was to further his career/earn more money. He didn’t take the fall for some noble cause, here.