What happened to your 50-60 pages of citations?
What happened to your 50-60 pages of citations?
NOTHING against Benedict, he's my #1 jam, but it seems like every interview with him lately is exactly the same. Like, are the interviewers all fangirling so hard they forget how to conduct an intelligent interview?
No, I'm a scientist and I actually think that the misuse of antibiotics is a huge public health issue, and along with anti-vaccination idiots, the sort of nonsense that's probably going to end our civilization. But trying to teach the American public science is harder than teaching a dog Cantonese, and so faced with…
THANK YOU. How many times do I have to do this? How many? Poutine done correctly is the food of the gods - done carelessly it is the food of the demigods. Spend one frigid day in my town - one single frigid day - and let's see if these collected philistines can sit at a table laughing while eating salad while the…
I don't care how long you've live somewhere, if I have to wake up at 6am in the morning for work, and you are blasting your music right under my bedroom after quiet hours and I have asked your repeatedly to stop and you don't, I will call the cops.
Here's the thing, gentlemen. Idris Elba doesn't have to do ANY of that, and he is still the most deisrable ever. Beucase he is Idris Elba. So keep on grabbing tampons and finding cell phones, because that is what you have to do to make up for the fact that you aren't Idris Elba.
There's a lot of people focusing on the word "tragedy." I'd just like to point out that Padalecki's original tweet used the word "sad." Guess what, assfuck? It IS sad. It's sad when someone can't conquer their demons, even if they'd sought help for them in the past. It's sad when someone dies at 46, no matter the…
For those of us who are on Facebook and Twitter today who have also lost loved ones to heroin overdose regardless of however many people have died that way before them, seeing shit like this is not only totally retraumatizing, but trivializing, insulting, and deeply hurtful.
My brother wasn't stupid. His death wasn't…
Which is precisely why they shouldn't be used to express anything that requires a nuanced discussion.
Twitter- a platform invented for me to discover how much I dislike people and for celebrities to use to make total asses of themselves.
Life isn't Denny's. You can't have it both ways.
Fucking moron.
"Slim-fitting white fleece athletic pants"
The Ralph Lauren outfits for the US Olympic team makes them look like douchy rich-kid villains from an '80s ski comedy.
Goddammit! Ralph Lauren is a disgusting little toad who patently hates America and is trying to destroy it one buttfugly sweater at a time. Can't we get some other American apparel company like North Face—which has killer outdoor designs—to outfit our team? USA—third place in overall medal total, last place in…
It's a shame someone ralphed all over them.
Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Puke Looks Like
I bought two $300 tickets to Alinea three months in advance. (They release tickets for a 6o day period and they disappear within minutes— I clicked SUBMIT ferociously at 10:00am sharp! They are prepaid and you can't cancel or return them.)
Random thoughts: No one looks good here.