
Come on human beings, time to step it up a bit. We're losing the war against the machines without them having to actually do anything at all besides exist and be distracting.

Does anyone else want to shag Sherlock? I thought he was weird and asexual and then suddenly during That Woman episode I realized I need him to come make smart arrogant man love to me. Like today. my husband says he is ok with it.

This is John Cho. All other arguments are invalid.

Maybe someday America will appreciate The Coog.

Just came here to say:

True story: I got off a plane. Went to the bathroom after deboarding. New copy of 50 Shades of Gray on bathroom counter. I asked if it was anyone's book and when everyone said no, I pushed it directly into the trash. Where it belongs.

David effing Tennant. MUCH better choice than Levine.

bahhahahha ALAN ALDAAAA. but how could you leave out the drop-dead sexiest, jeff goldblum??!

I mean... Simon Pegg. All day.

All lists are immediately invalid without this delightful Northern light.

He looks dirty. Not in a magical "my panties are gone" way, but in a bleach and firm scrubbing way.

Sorry, but dude seems to have a teeny, tiny, ween.

Everyone from Drop Dead Gorgeous (who wasn't Becky Leeman).

I feel like he gave himself a little pep talk there near the end when he jumped back up again before finally getting the cracker "Damnit Douglas, you can do this! You've stolen hundreds of crackers before, this one is no different. Now you go back down there and you get that cracker!"