Science and Sex, Bitches

This is my favourite bad taste front cover. Had a good laugh on the bus to university that morning (Magnotta mailed a foot to the conservative party)

Every time I read an article written by this woman, I want to respond with some well-thought-out comment about why she's wrong, but all I can muster is this:

People who don't understand a vegan diet don't understand how to create a diet. Healthy vegetarians/vegans plan their nutrients, because you do have to make sure you get a wide range of fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, etc.

Don't even get me started on this! I still have people questioning how I can possibly get protein or B12 since I haven't eaten meat, dairy, or eggs in 7 years. They think that soy is going to make me grow breasts and start crying all the time.

Harper... hasn't done much?

If you don't mind me de-railing for Canadians...

Canada was in the top 10 until 2007. When was Harper elected? I'm not saying there's a causality relationship here, but I'm not saying there isn't...

The reason he's unknown (and will stay unknown in the US)? He sings in French. And I'm so so glad he does. That's just refreshing and shows that, yes, you can sing in French and be huge (in Europe anyway). Take that, Daft Punk.

Toxins aren't a thing.

Sounds like they were all up in every other picture, doing some sort of Forrest Gump gag. That, more than the price of the food and drink has ling term irritation potential. I might think it funny, but no doubt many people, understandably might feel some twinge of irritation going back through their wedding pictures,

The crashers aren't monsters certainly but they are colossal, entitled assholes.

A lot of comments I've seen on other sites about this seem to be telling the woman to lighten up and that it wasn't a big deal — but when you pay for food and drinks and some people who weren't even invited come in and have that food and those drinks, you're paying for them. These people knew they weren't invited to

Almost never eat there, but they used to have salads. Did they stop carrying them?

I just want to make it clear that Mcdonald's vegetarian options are non-existent. You want anything besides fries? You're getting two buns. Source: experience

I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.

The work they were doing was mostly RNA. These were undergraduates learning lab work. They risked phenol, chloroform, beta mercaptoethanol and guanidinium solutions splashing on them. I never let those ones near any of the pharmaceuticals dissolved in DMSO.

I wish I could stay at hotels when I visit my family.

Aargh! Peeve alarm! One woman who worked in our lab wore her lab coat with top unbottoned over her tank top like that picture (although the picture on the book cover looks better). There are woman like that in labs. They where tank tops and short shorts and sandals and are always looking for excuses to not wear their

I was about to hook up with this dude who drove a Porsche until I got in it and realized it was a fucking automatic. The fuck?

Recommended your post mainly for your spot-on comment about sticks vs automatics. People, if you can't drive stick, you don't need a high-performance sports car. If you are that into the idea of getting one, well then surely you can take the time to learn stick.