Old people log off. Fucking seriously I’ve never seen such a group of curmudgeonly sons of bitches in my life.
Old people log off. Fucking seriously I’ve never seen such a group of curmudgeonly sons of bitches in my life.
Will they get banned? Nope. So they’re doing it. For the lulz. I’m not like on this guy’s side or anything, but that’s why trolls do things.
It’s unclear why they refunded? I think I can clear this up. They did it... for the lulz.
This isn’t your dad’s Moogle! This Moogle curses, does cocaine and has sex!
I would have gone with “thats embarrassing” for the lulz
Well that’s embarrassing.
God I wish they’d just called the Gamepass-like thing something different. I saw “Playstation Plus” and “Stay” and thought “HELL YEAH I get to play the cat game with my PS+! What an amazing deal!”
Actually (should I spell it “acshually” here? I am sorry...) the director of the Ghost in the Shell movie (the one that I rather enjoyed a lot and other people hated... ) said flat out that they wasn’t going to be given a green light on the movie or the cast unless he could get one big-named actor. He mentioned in an…
Worse. Slideshows are bad, but can be read through without sound. Videos without text can’t, making them worse.
Videos without accompanying text are almost as bad as slideshows.
“Imagine if something you invented was stolen from you and then marketed and sold to customers around the world.”
lol I never saw someone have high regard for a Saints Row plot, in any of them. Not judging or ridiculing, I’m just curious: Was Saints Row 2 one of your first games or were you an established, well versed gamer by then?
Also has one of the greatest callbacks to the 90s since THPS2 in the form of its soundtrack.
Sounds like somebody didn’t spend enough time making car torpedoes.
Yes! Being like City Of Heroes was such a big part of its appeal for me.
And if that doesn’t get you to play the series...
Which is actually why I liked 4 and not 3. I’d tried 3 (free weekend? PS+? Don’t remember anymore), and I just didn’t enjoy the whole driving-around thing. So when 4 let you just jump & sprint all over the place? Cool. :)
For those that have not given saints row a chance because it either looked like a GTA clone or felt like its humor too much, hear me out:
He’s still here because the rent to occupy the inside of your head is free.
Erik gets paid whenever someone comments about how insubstantial his posts are. Congrats, you just bought him dinner!