Ein On Shrooms

Yeah, that was an update or two ago... They wrote about it on here after it was released. Just search through old update articles. :)

yup, well you can go “offline” but same thing pretty much

Can I go invisible yet?

I love my trophy screenshots of blank loading screens.

Oh thank fucking God. I am so sick of trying to get a screenshot during a cut scene and getting the perfect shot ruined by the last shot’s screenshot notification. Also I’m really sick of this kinda creepy loaf of bread that’s been in my “people you might know” list for months. I have no clue who that is. This bread

What if it’s Snoke kneeling to the Emperor? We know nothing of Snoke’s actual size. Could Vader / the Emperor have taken on an apprentice - who 30 years later trains Ben Solo? Sort of a parallel to Luke?

Why? Did they steal assets? If not, then I don’t see what’s wrong with it. As far as I know, they weren’t going to profit off the project in any way. I don’t see how this is any different than recreating a famous painting or a cover band singing a famous song.

Knowing nothing about the law in this situation, it seems

Even though I’m from Argentina, the first thing I remember from the word “Ocho” in an english sentence is:

Last pic... make me thing... here in Mexico BB8 is pronounced BeBeOcho.. Bebe means baby... so this Finn and Rey has correctly dressed their Bebe Ocho... (and you can say BebOcho for more charming results n n)

You’re right, you not understanding the meaning of words is my fault. Man, I gotta go back to argumentation school.

I’d say it’s more about being aware not everyone has to be white and straight rather than going “this is how many blank i’ll have in this piece of media”. It’s not a quota.

It kinda is though. She can write whatever she wants. Back to the dictionary, maybe?

I’m happy they made a Chrono Trigger spiritual successor, but seriously, they couldn’t just make a 3rd game? Squeenix Pls. FF7 is getting a remake, and Sega is actually letting Shenmue 3 happen, we deserve love too!

Dude, Mario Maker is AMAZING. Don’t let these criticisms stop you from digging in, or at least considering whatever follow-up they do. I’m not sure I’ve had more fun with a game in the last 10 years.

What’s even stupider is they already have a localization! And it’s not even out on PC in Japan! So WTF! They are doing a PC port just for the west. I don’t get it. JRPG is really the last thing I want to play on PC, makes so much more sense on handheld.

I’m fucking pissed that we didn’t get star ocean second evolution Here on the vita. I much prefer the updated English voices to the Japanese, and because its still text heavy in scenes without voice acting, I don’t want to struggle through kanji half of the time.

Uh, did square ever really give a shit about the Vita in the West?

I’ve never understood the hate furries get. It’s not any weirder than any other geek pursuit.

I loved the graphics freaking out.