Ein On Shrooms

If it means not having to read more whiny insipid comments, by all means filter them out.

waka chika waka chika waka chika

Tyler Perry as Neil DeGrasse Tyson as Baxter Stockman.

Not that my posts ever get read on here, but I recently bought an Xbone for my kids and while I’ve been playing the heck out of the PS4 and the WiiU with games like Smash Bros, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Maker, Dragon Quest Heroes, Fallout 4, Grown Home, Infamous Second Son and the Order, I will be stealing their

Thank you! When I found out they were uprendered and had trophies I wasn’t pissed anymore, but some people...

So Michelin makes car parts and rates restaurants? Who knew? (Apparently lots of people....)

Nice prediction......trololololooooo

Typical faux hawk sporting dudebro, pass.

As usual my coments always look faded and no one reads them, but EVERYONE forgets about Blade. Blade was the first decent Superhero Movie made after the disaster of Batman and Robin.

Nice cel phone!

RealTalk: Has anyone ever seen a commercial on youtube and decided to purchase the advertised product?

I miss Scooter.

Kendrick who?

He makes Benicio Del Toro face a lot.

What game?

Freaking Teabagging. F*cktards.

Have you seen the reviews for Zombie vikings? Guess not...

I wrote this on Destructoid yesterday....and your article here nails it again.

If you’re bored, skip the article.

Oh geez....He looks like Hikaru Gosunkugi now...