Ein On Shrooms

I loved Wreck it Ralph....except for Sarah Silverman

The guy is a dick, but terrorist? Ok...I was terrified I couldn’t be on PSN...

ma toof

At which point I rather just go do work on a real farm.

Jackie Earl Haley!

You mean you couldn’t care less. If you could care less, then, go ahead and care less.

Developing means it’s a 3rd world country. The correct name of 3rd world countries is Developing Countries. Let’s be real here, India is poor as F*ck, at least when it comes to its billion plus people.

I’m in love

14th doctor

Velma Morgendorfer.....still hawt

It’s true for me too. why u so mad that some people like the Vita more?

Isn’t that a planet in No man’s sky?

I liked being able to use the guns. Honestly when you have an army of people chasing AND shooting you all the time, what kind of an idiot doesn’t pick up a gun? I’m not an FPS fan, but the guns in Mirror’s edge made it noice. those DVD/Blu-Ray/VHS players....people TOTALLY stop buying new movies....

I remember laughing so hard at this.

FF9 where the main character looks like a female midget....riiiight.

Fuck, with a Windows Phone I know I’m screwed.

Rather get another 3ds for that much.