
That was Viola Davis in Suicide Squad.

“Benedict Cumberbatch and Paul Rudd are probably the “biggest” stars to start an MCU franchise.”

April 18 this year.

I dunno, I thought CGI Tarkin and Leia were exceptionally well done.

This sentence sounds like it was written by a man who wants us to be impressed because he knows a bunch of big words...

Dammit, Sony... I want my Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, and I want it NOW!

“Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. The last survey I saw”

Consider how the second phrase flows from the first.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

“Build that ball! Build that ball!”

Never underestimate people’s willingness to vote against their own best interests.

On the bright side, political satire is going to be fucking brilliant until he bans it.

Only Michael Ironside is fit to be Darkseid.

He has a face for radio and a voice for print work.

It was obviously quippy. But people come in here to piss in the cereal lately. If it hadn’t been that line they would have found something else.

Reading the above, Haisley is basically Franklin Montague from episode 7.


Nathan Fillion. But only as long as it doesn’t get in the way of the Firefly sequel.

Bigly (or Big League)

This is what the 12" MacBook is for.

Good call. I’d say the missile bringing down the building would be enough to get the Avengers attention, or at least Spider-Man. Cage living through it even more so. A lot of Daredevil’s battles were behind closed doors. That was a missile in Harlem.