
FEAST YOUR EYES ON ALL THIS RIDICULOUS GLORY!!!!! That really should be the tagline for this film

Actually I take back what I said....I re-read the quote....he should want the role because it’s a character he WANTS to play

I didn’t take it as his sole reasoning for wanting to play the role....more of an added benefit

Not sure it’s related (probably is somehow)....Goldman Sachs EVP John Rogers was just added to HU’s Board of Trustees

Just have someone adapt one of the Arkham games....this shouldn’t be this hard’re not over-analyzing’s real oft putting....ESPECIALLY Jackie Chan 

I’ve watched a good deal of this show with my boys and to be honest I’M kinda disappointed about the voices....I know you “need” star power for movies but the target audience is probably already fans so the change in voices may have been overkill

I’m kinda on board now. I have two sons so I would have had to see this regardless, but it’s a definite improvement over the last trailer

Well LOOK AT GOD (and the movie studio)!

It’s on blu ray!!!!????!!!!!!! Clarence Williams III is GOLD in this movie!!!

Question: Are you white? Not trying to be snarky....I really don’t want to assume. I ask because your above statement lacks perspective (IMHO). Just because you don’t think it’s a growing problem doesn’t mean that a large section of other people don’t feel the opposite.

Full disclosure I don’t remember seeing the original in its entirety (I was 2 when it originally came out). I’m sure I have at some point but I don’t remember. Obviously I’ll need to get reacquainted, I know there are different cuts/version in the wild. Which version should I watch? 

and after that the teaser trailer for the trailer of the next fireplace display

He is probably a massive dick (and not in a way pleasing to a lover)

My 8 year old who LOVES these movies came to me and said “Dad, did you see The Fate of the Furious trailer?” (I saw it before him and didn’t tell him). He said “I’m mad at Dom”. I told him wait until we see it before you get mad, he might have a reason for what he’s doing, he said “Nah I’m still mad, family is

Marketing was AWFUL....I wasn’t aware a new movie was coming until seeing stories on this site and didn’t see anything in print or TV until about 2-3 weeks before the movie. I’m a casual fan, seen and enjoyed the last two so imagine an even less casual fan. A franchise like ST didn’t deserve the half assed marketing

Maybe I’m slow (could be) but can someone point out to me how to change the skin color of the emojis on the stock Google keyboard? I’m on a Nexus 5x

You have won the internet today sir.....let’s all pack up and go home