
How many gallons of radioactive water have all ready been dumped into the Pacific by TEPCo? Last I heard they water leak had not held and continued to spew radioactive water into the Pacific at upwards of 11 thousands gallons a day. Can anyone verify this?

Samsung says a lot of things. We Fascinate users are still waiting for our promised OS update.


After all the years of these people persecuting scientist, scholars, and philosophers, I mean look through history. Hypatia, Galileo, Bruno, Darwin, Hubble and many others were either outright killed for their beliefs, imprisoned, brought to trial and forced to make false confessions, or the church tried to squelch

My first novel is going straight to e-book. :) Oh yeah, it is due out in June! Keep a heads up and I'll let you all know when it becomes available.

I'm very anti-social network. If we cannot see each other face-to-face or you're not in my local(at least in the county I live in) you and I are not really friends, we're cyber acquaintances. However, when it comes to twitter, that is a whole other situation. I never saw a use for it at first. I mean, someone

Of all the species on the planet Earth, we're still the least intelligent of them all. ::sigh::

I'm all for new forms of ways to produce green energy, but from the sounds of this, it'll be years before they can even compete with solar cells that were at 10% efficiency for a long time now. By the time these guys get this system to 10% efficiency solar cells should be nearing 65 to 75%.

There is a huge difference between 100 times and 100 millions times! Also, the fact that they need luminosity levels so high to even generate this type of magnetic field makes me wonder what kind of power input it required to produce such a light. I think this article is more confusing than helpful.

Not to down play Gagarin's achievement, being that he was the first human to go into space and return alive and un-injured, but he was not the first one there. Three others beat him. All of them Russian. Two were male and the other a female. All three not only did full orbits, but they did it well over 17 times

OK so here is the equipment youu speak of? Why are they not putting it to use at Fukushima. Also, new update, Japan just raised the disaster from 5 to 7 today.

The buildings housing the reactors were not designed to trap the hydrogen gas and then to explode. They were just poorly designed. Maybe that is why the Japanese later, in order to stop other buildings from exploding removed panels from the roofs of the buildings #5 and #6 and from building #2. Do not be an idiot doesn't have lasers.

Sure this is a cool arse job, but I know a better one, and someday soon, you will too! :)

Slow news day huh? So you made up some BS about BS to write a BS piece about some BS that is only in your mind.

Both movies are actually decent. I am still wondering how Blade Runner didn't make the cut. I love the Empire Strike Back, but it is not a stand alone movie —- Serenity is. So my vote goes to Serenity.

42...I am sure of it. 42 :)

::yawn:: Call me when we put people on Mars.

Looking at these covers I thought they were chic-lit harlequin romance novels or a weird off-shoot. Personally I do not think these book covers say much for their content and because of that I personally would never read them. I know..never judge a book by its cover...but come on! is one of the lamest sci-fi shows ever made.