
After watching the trailer I had no urge to go see this Poltergeist knock-off.

TEPCo and the Japanese government are never going to disclose the reality of Fukushima. Just as it took the workers themselves to get the truth out about the conditions they were working under(didn't even have enough dosimeters to go around they had to share them! No boots. Ran out of protective gear). TEPCo and

X-files movie...that was pure garbage and answered nothing. It was a pure money grab.

When is Richard and Wendy Pini ever going to get this made into a movie? Live action, CGI, animated...I do not care...we need this!

"It's a trap!" Admiral Ackbar!

Well that's not fun!

I do not know why what I said was deleted. Do not care, I'll post it again. In a previous post I said regarding this topic.

Sounds like a Poltergeist wannabe. ::yawn::

I thought there was nothing to worry about? We're constantly told the radiation levels are not high enough to be concerned, so what is the problem? They should go in and collect the corpses and then bury them.

Thankfully we are not forced to watch such terrible movies. :)

One word - stupid.

"Appears to be stabilizing." Not according to the people working on the reactors. They say it is actually getting worse. Today the radiation levels went up in the whole area, including the seawater. They still do not know what to do with the thousands of gallons of radioactive water that is pooling under the

How is Blade Runner fluff? BTW what movie do you think should be the winner?

Sounds like a futuristic twist on the book "Lord of the Flies".

Amazon should tell the record labels to go play in the freeway. This is not illegal. How is it illegal? All they are doing is storing the music.

If nuclear power is so clean and safe, why does it produce toxic waste that must be buried under a mountain for thousands of years? Nuclear power is not the answer. Never was.

Oh really. I wonder what could have tipped them off?

Awesome. Oh wait! We can't have this. The greedy power companies will stifle this and keep it from ever seeing the light of day.

This is cool. Safe, green power, and smaller enviornmental impact on the whole. Hydro-electric is a big envorinmental impact. It is not all that safe - dams can fail and do. Someday the rest of the world will follow suit and we'll see wind farms off-shore and inland. We'll also see better solar cells that will

Serenity was a far better story —- yes - a thousand times yes. Terminator is a good story, but is far from plausible. First off, if Skynet is so smart, they'd have sent a Terminator back when Sara Connors parents were alive and kill her before she was even born. End of story. Or better yet, why even do that, just