
Remember folks, the engineers knew what they were doing and the buildings housing the reactors were designed to blow up. No I am not joking. That is according to one of the posters that frequents this website. Go read what rehal4 said here. "The emergency crews at the site knew what was happening and what was

When we can plug this device into our me. I have always wanted a tri-corder. :) Hey, any devices we can plug into our SP's that can detect radioactive fallout? We might be needing them soon!

rehal4, Wait——what? The hydrogen explosions were on purpose? Please, do us all a favor and stop trying to get your nuclear engineering degree - if I were your professor I would flunk you out, and tell you to go into basket weaving, because the last thing we need is an idiot with a nuclear engineering degree - we've

Well then Mr. Nuclear Engineer student, how do you propse that they fix this reactor? You guys are all for making these things, but have no contention plans for what to do if they melt down - except to bury them. For people that are considered so intelligent, you people sure seem rather stupid. You can make them,

Dear Sick of Lies; When a coal plant explodes, it doesn't leave the area uninhabitable for hundreds if not thousands of years. Nuclear Engineering doesn't make you a genius in all things nuclear BTW. You nuclear engineers can build a reactor, yes, but you don't seem to have the means to create the necessary

So if I write a book, and own the rights to it, and it gets published - then goes out of print. You think it is OK for Google to reprint that book and distribute it. They will make money, and I will not. How is that fair or even good? Google does not own these books. Google should contact the people that own

I do not buy bottled water. Also it is you're, not your. Plus a Britta water filter is money well spent.

I love eating eggs...hardboiled, easy-over, scrambled, if they kill me from eating them...who that frack cares! Since I've been to the other side twice before and back again, I am not afraid. I'll keep eating eggs, drinking, and whatever else I wish to here. :p

I love eating eggs...hardboiled, easy-over, scrambled, if they kill me from eating them...who that frack cares! None of us are immortal and since I've been to the other side twice before and back again, I am not afraid. I'll keep eating eggs, drinking, and whatever else I wish to here. :p

Stupidest chart ever. Come back and tell us how much of these other liquids we use per day - then come talk to us. Also...tap water is almost dirt cheap. BTW how many gallons of Fiji Water does anyone drink in a single day? Less than a gallon! You don't say!

Google is not the world. Google does not have the right to make money on "out-of-print" copyrighted material. Doesn't matter if it is out of print. That does not give Google the right to make money off someone elses efforts. If Google wish to print these books, they should contact the people that own the

I can drink a few beers squat on the reactor, and it would have been more effective than this.

I can drink a few beers squat on the reactor, and it would have been more effective than this.

I liken this, to him...

I liken this, to him...

Right...afterwards it'll beh fishn'chips at the local pub, wit a pint.

What I find hard to believe is that anyone with the least bit of intelligence actually watches it.

Oh look, goody...another crappy Cloverfield.

Another crappy Cloverfield.